Assessing viability in plan making and HCA support on viability Growth Point Best Practice Network Michael Rich 11 th May, 2012
HCA role: an overview Investment, regulation and enabling Aligning national programmes with local priorities HCA assists local delivery with the right mix of: –HCA and other public land assets –Affordable housing / regeneration investment –Enabling support and tools –Aligning public funding streams Delivery of local priorities Enabling support and tools Regeneration and affordable housing Land Aligning public funding “We are locally driven. We work with councils, LEPs and other local partners, effectively targeting our investment and support at their identified priorities.”
The HCA interest in viability Viable delivery Increasing housing supply Places that work Improving quality and standards Effective use of public sector land Meeting housing needs
What HCA offers Free tools and information Advice, support and challenge National perspective
Large scale, complex sites: housing led containing 500+ houses; or mixed use regeneration with 200+ units Must be scope for ATLAS to add value Scope to concentrate on specific issues e.g. scheme viability/approaches to resolution : reviewing s106s; collaborative approaches; contingent deferred obligations; affordable housing cascades; balancing phasing & delivery Free national service provided to Local Authorities... but for the benefit of all project partners Provide impartial & independent advice to help local authorities (and others) manage proposals for large scale development NOT decision makers on applications The ATLAS offer (Advisory Team for Large Applications)
The wider policy landscape CIL CIL and Affordable Housing? Section 106 appeals NPPF NPPF Policy burdens Likely cumulative impacts Plans should be deliverable Competitive returns Facilitate development throughout the economic cycle Careful attention to viability and costs
Local Housing Delivery Group Local standards and viability of local plans Local Government Association and Home Builders Federation as ‘sponsors’ Tackling NPPF paras (Ensuring viability and deliverability) Advice aimed at being available late June Focus on collaborative approach
Balancing policies and delivery Viability of plan Costs of policy requirements Low standards, levels of affordable housing and infrastructure may result in more viable development, but will be less acceptable in planning terms Higher and more sustainable policy requirements will reduce viability and bring increased delivery risk Planning authorities will need to work with partners to balance requirements and manage risks /HCA_UK /homes-&-communities-agency