Noël en France By: Mathew Campbell
Christmas Christmas is on December 25 Many people celebrate this holiday and others celebrate Hanukkah or Kwanzaa Christmas is the day of Jesus’ birth This holiday can be celebrated in many different ways
Christmas in France Christmas is a special holiday in France This holiday is celebrated in many different ways in France It all begins with the decorations
Decorations In France people decorate almost all of the cities in the country. There are lights everywhere you go.
The Yule log On Christmas Eve, families put Yule logs in the fire place Then they pour red wine on the log so that when the log is burning it will smell nice The log and candles are left burning all night with some food and drinks left out in case Mary and baby Jesus pass by during the night
Shoes On Christmas Eve, kids are supposed to leave their shoes by the fireplace They believe that Santa will leave candy or small toys in their shoes
Church December 24 4:30 p.m.: First Christmas Mass 6 p.m.: Family Mass Around 7 p.m.: The children’s procession to the nativity scene 8 p.m. International Mass 11 p.m.: Christmas Eve vigil begins Christmas Choir of children and adults 11:55 p.m.: The ringing of the large tenor bell named Emmanuel Midnight: Midnight Mass On Christmas day, people go to church service
Presents After church service, families go back home and see if Santa dropped off any presents Usually he did and they open them and exchange the present
food French people always have a feast on Christmas Eve The main meal of Christmas is called Réveillon A favorite dish might include roast turkey with chestnuts For dessert they have a chocolate sponge cake in the shape of a Yule log