UNDP RBA MDG Based National Development Planning Workshop – Dar Es Salaam Comprehensive Review of National Development Strategies 3 rd March 2006 Swaziland
INTRODUCTION Low Middle Income Country NDS – Completed in 1997, Vision 2022 Draft PRSAP – currently being validated by stakeholders Poverty level 66% (Census 1997) 69% (SHIES 2001)
STRATEGY ALIGNEMENT WITH MDGs PRSAP & NDS addresses all 8 MDGs Some PRSAPs targets are MDGs’ targets aligned. i.e. Poverty reduce from 69% in 2001 to 30% (more ambitious) UPE aligned HIV aligned Safe water & Sanitation Environment Other MDGs though addressed in strategy but not aligned to MDG targets
MILESTONES & TIME FRAMES 3 year Rolling Plan submitted by Ministries for the formation of the MTEF (The challenge of this is that they are not necessarily aligned to the national priorities) PRSAP is targeted to 2015 NDS is targeted to 2022
COSTING THE MDGs Ensure PRSAP targets are aligned to the MDGs Supplementary Data Requirement for Assessment purpose Needs Assessment Exercise to be carried out Then the actual costing
FINANCING PRSAP targets are not costed as yet
CHALLENGES & COSTING Availability of adequate data to do proper assessment – (Census 1997 & SHIES 2001) Complexity of decision making Securing political commitment Ensuring buy-in into the PRSAP by various sectors and decision makers
MONITORING & EVALUATION PRSAP set various committees & indicators for M&E. Cabinet, PS Level, Technicians & Community level
EXPECTATIONS Possible areas of Intervention Capacity building on assessment and costing Data collection (Interim Surveys) - Technical Assistance - Financial Support