University of California, Berkeley Josh Blatt 6/25/2012 Cal Answers – What’s in the future? IDMG Summer Series
2 Goals for Cal Answers A comprehensive, integrated data warehouse Powerful and easy to use tools for analysis and presentation Extensive documentation and support for using the environment A process for continuous improvement
3 IDMG Roadmap produced in 2009 IDMG Goal: making institutional data easily accessible, reliable, consistent and secure to support informed planning, decision making and communication by campus leaders”.
4 Future Subject Areas Academic Student FinancialsStarted - 1 st reports in fall 2012 Undergraduate ApplicantsStarted – 1 st reports in fall 2012 Student CurriculumFunding under discussion Online Course EvaluationPlanned for Spring 2013 Administrative Procure to Pay ReportingIn Progress HR CensusRelease pending Summer 2012 Equity and Inclusion Release pending Summer 2012 PI Portal Funding under discussion FinancialsPlanned for late 2012 HR / UC Path IntegrationPlanned for early 2013
5 Efforts common to all subject areas Defining the one answer to each question Policies that allow broad access to data while securing private records Developing common dimensions to integrate our subject areas Retaining historic data as systems change A single, rational and secure set of access policies Developing common definitions of business terms Best of breed reporting tools Data optimized for fast reporting Eliminate risky, less accurate and costly data silos and shadow systems
6 Tool Improvements Features that are being tested for general use Report scheduling and delivery Shared folders for reports Publishing directly to the web More streamlined access requests for Cal Answers Integration with MS Office Facilities for power-users to join Cal Answers data with other databases Facilities for more exact report formatting and publishing
7 Support and Training Improvements Increased staffing for online and classroom training Development of campus experts in each subject matter to mentor and assist others Use of new tools for training and documentation –Live and recorded webinars –Wiki based documentation Cal Answers support integrated into shared services support desk New system to make access requests for Cal Answers easier (2013)
8 Institutional support for continuous improvement Institutional Data Management and Governance Initiative (IDMG) Roadmap for campus progress Institutional Data CouncilLeadership and governance EDW Coordinating CommitteePrioritization and oversight Office of Planning and AnalysisAdvocacy, expertise, and consulting Operational Excellence Vision of high performance culture and funding Information Systems & Technology (IST) Technical Expertise & Resources to execute vision BI Analysts GroupDevelop BI Standards and tool priorities
9 Goal Bring together information on costs of education, financial aid, and student payroll so we can make the best decisions possible regarding access to affordable education and financial planning. Timeline Starting: June 2012 First deliverable: Fall of 2012 Completion: Spring 2014 Student Financials
10 Typical Questions: What is happening with the costs of for a UCB education? How is it impacting students and their households? How can we improve our aid offerings? How will changes to the number and composition of admitted students, federal funding, etc. effect the university’s budget? Sources for data: Financial Aid (SAM & ProSAM) Student Accounts Receivable (CARS) Student Payroll Student Financials
11 Goal Bring together information on courses, instructors, enrollment, grades, requirements and schedules such that we can offer the most effective curriculum and advise students how best to take advantage of it. Plan course offerings effectively Enhance advising Plan better for temporary academic staff and GSIs Make better use of learning spaces Monitor the effectiveness of initiatives such as common- good course support Hoping to commence in early fall Student Curriculum
12 Presents Analytics from BearBuy and BFS data to: Save money Make processes run more smoothly and save time Ensure regulatory controls Project Timeline: July July 2013 First Reports delivered February 2012 Sets of reports delivered each 4-6 weeks starting July 2012 Procure to Pay Reporting
13 Procurement to Pay (Request through Pay) Purchasing Spend After the Fact Procurement Change Order Volume Outstanding PO’s Detail Report (Purchase and Receive) Spend Summary by Buyer Outstanding PO’s by Purchase Organization (Purchase & Receive), PO Turn Time Invoice Detail Invoices Summary by Top 10 Supplier AP Aging Analysis Top 10 Aging Outstanding Balances by Supplier Auto Match Invoice Report Average Days to Pay Payment Request Summary p-Card Detail (future) Average Days to Approve Voucher Match Exception PO Detail Report Spend by Category Spend by Top Suppliers Spend Year Over Year Trend by Top Categories Spend Year Over Year Trend by Top Suppliers Spend by Supplier Diversity PO Transaction Details by Item Spend by Requisition Creator Procure to Pay Reporting
14 HR & Finance Projects Proposed project currently on hold Replace BAIRS which is costly and aging Redesign financial reports in light of Cal Planning and the financial process changes on campus Take advantage of Cal Answers features to provide more strategic analysis Enhance and rethink HR reporting in light of UC Path