Monami6 WG Meeting IETF 65 March 21, 2005
Agenda Welcome, agenda bashing, WG documents status - 5 minutes, Vijay Devaparalli –draft-ietf-monami6-mipv6-analysis –draft-ietf-monami6-multihoming-motivation-scenario Multiple Care-of addresses registration – 15 minutes, Ryuji Wakikawa –draft-wakikawa-mobileip-multiplecoa-05 Flow binding in Mobile IPv6 – 15 minutes, Hesham Soliman –draft-soliman-monami6-flow-binding-00.txt
Agenda Security issues for multiple care-of addresses registration, 10 minutes, Vijay Devarapalli Simultaneous location in home and foreign networks, 10 minutes, Benjamin Koh –draft-aso-monami6-multiple-forwarding-00.txt Flow distribution policy, 5 minutes, Koshiro Mitsuya –draft-mitsuya-monami6-flow-distribution-policy
WG document status (1/2) draft-ietf-monami6-multihoming-motivation- scenario-00 –Scenarios and motivations –Benefits of multihoming To be submitted to the IESG by June Need reviews from the WG
WG document status (2/2) draft-ietf-monami6-mipv6-analysis-00 –Requirements –Taxonomy: #HoAs, #CoAs –Scenarios To be submitted to the IESG by June Need reviews from the WG
Conclusions Please read the WG documents and comment on them MCoA document status –An ongoing consensus call to adopt this a WG document. Please comment on the mailing list –IPsec text will be added to this Flow Binding status –Work continues