The New Party System DEMOCRATS Supporters of Andrew Jackson and non-interventionist government WHIGS Formed during the 2 nd Term of AJ’s Presidency Both North and South support Supporters of American system Named Whigs as this was name for patriots who rebelled against George III 1836 Election Dem = Martin Van Buren Whigs – ran 4 separate candidates Slave Controversy
Van Buren’s Presidency 1837 Panic Van Buren’s solution = Independent Treasury Act Payments to be made in hard money Not all Democrats agreed and x2 combined with Whigs to stop Ind Treasury Act Not clear if would succeed until California Gold Rush 1849 Whigs became pro-bank, soft money party. Democrats = anti-bank, hard money party.
1840 Election – ‘Log Cabin and Hard Cider Democrats nominated Van Buren again Whigs nominated William Henry Harrison for President and John Tyler for Vice President Whigs had no real platform but given famous campaign symbol by the Democrats Log Cabin and Hard Cider Tippencanoe and Tyler Too Mass politics 78% turnout of 2.4m voters, WHH won
John Tyler’s Presidency WHH died – Tyler took over, first time happened, no one really clear if system would work. Tyler’s prevention of Henry Clay implementing led to a split between him and the rest of the Whig Party Congressional Elections a disaster for Whigs, Dems got control of House. Tyler still wanted presidency post 1844 so used annexation of Texas to gain popularity.
1844 Election Tyler dropped out Henry Clay nominated by Whigs – did not include annexation in platform until too late Van Buren replaced by James Polk of Tennessee – pro-annexation Clay wavering led some voters to the Liberty Party – damaged chances in key states Polk won but popular vote only by 38,000 out of 2.4m. Tyler, seeing Polk’s victory, pushed through annexation in his last action as President.
Things to look at more closely 1840 Election The Annexation of Texas