Day 2 Breakout Report Session 1: Incident Response Chair: Brent Woodsworth Co-Chairs: Ellen Sogolow & Rufus Edwards
Research Project Recommendations 2 Improved Communications – finding ways to avoid the problems with radios, communicating between central emergency management offices (police, fire, EM, etc.) and the field, finding ways people can communicate their actions DHS should spend more time working with people trying to integrate plans across organizations (i.e. I-95 Corridor Project) Sponsor a consortium model on sensors (perhaps a simulated environment). There is a large amount of overlap, duplication – people competing with each other when they should be working together (foster collaboration and info sharing – reduce redundancy). Research looking at security and privacy Issues of data sharing – across public/private. Understand how the information can be managed effectively without being abused. Examine both the benefits of training and preparation – Develop simulation-based training systems (down to even local levels). Develop and Roll them out in a cost efficient way, how do you implement these programs? Web-based on demand training. Web-based training/games for the general public as an outreach program to educate the public. Develop programs to enable youth involvement in the scientific community. How do we motivate young people to get involved in science, technology and emergency management challenges? Short-term: All Federal grants have fellowship on the front-end and grants for research on the back-end. Cloud Considerations Enable local organizations to be able to gain the benefit of any research available, specially through public cloud exploitation and utilization of the cloud. What will enable the cloud to be useful for the purpose of emergency response focusing particularly as a vehicle for local response agencies. Investigate how you automate medical records in such a fashion to improve Information sharing in the healthcare sector in emergency situations. Examine the interaction between local departments and DHS. How can things such as UICDS be implemented? How can DHS help the local departments with their needs? Identify tools that may be used as an interface platform and make it a practical system – data access, data entry, data quality Support a potential modification of Stafford Act to fund and support research on disasters including lessons learned and the development of a central repository of these lessons learned post-disaster Develop a process to support pilot projects earlier in the process than we do currently. Opportunity for additional research on the benefits of interacting with new social network techniques for both disseminating information and education. How do you motivate senior elected officials to be proactive in spending time in why they should invest time, money, effort in emergency management. Research on the benefits they receive on investing in emergency management. Defining the needs and looking at both the technology and if there are other technologies to meet those needs.