PT /22/04 Instant Net Conference Powered by Webex ® New Enhancements
6/4/ Agenda Significance of New Features Participant Privileges Find Participant Note Taker and Closed Captions Participant “Ready” Indicator Meeting Transcript Save All Questions
6/4/ Significance of the New Features Flexible –Participant Privilege allows the presenter to select which privileges each participant receives Easy –Find Participant allows easy transfer of controls –Note Taking provides a simplified approach to taking meeting minutes –Closed Captioning allows hearing impaired to participate –Participant “Ready” Indicator allows presenter to wait for participants on slower connections Convenient –Save All enables the presenter to save multiple meeting files with one control –Meeting Transcript enables the presenter to send out an with all the meeting notes and attachments. –Flash Meeting Manager warns the presenter of questions etc.
6/4/ Participant Privileges Quickly select which privileges that all participants receive, or give extra privileges to some participants. Select the participant Select privilege Now a small group may be given the right to share or change slides.
6/4/ Find Participant Find Participant is a quick way to find a name in a large list of participants. This allows the host to quickly select a new presenter or eject them from the meeting.
6/4/ Note Taker and Closed Caption Notes allow leaders to keep track of minutes or action items. Leaders may select Notes or Closed Captioning in the Meeting Options window. Closed Captions enables a participant to transcribe the meeting.
6/4/ Note Taker and Closed Caption Notes Tab. It changes to Closed Caption if that is selected in Meeting Options. When combined with the Meeting Transcript feature, Notes can make sending out meeting minutes and action items easier and faster.
6/4/ Note Taker and Closed Caption The note taker or the participant providing the Closed Caption is denoted by an icon. Closed Caption Note Taker
6/4/ Participant Ready Indicator When presenters change slides or presentations, the presenter can see when each participant is ready. The Ready Indicator changes color when the participant views the current screen. Summary for large meetings
6/4/ Meeting Transcript Leaders may easily send a summary of the meeting by . 1 st Save All 2 nd Send Transcript No more searching for all the files relating to the meeting.
6/4/ Meeting Transcript May select: Shared documents Poll Questionnaire Poll Results Chat Notes Attendee List A reminder appears at the end of the meeting.
6/4/ Meeting Transcript An opens with the date and time of the meeting, a list of the participants and all the attachments.
6/4/ Save All Save All allows the presenter to save all meeting materials (Notes, Polls, Q & A and Shared Documents) at one time.
6/4/ Flash Meeting Manager Flash Meeting Manager Icon – The minimized console flashes when: – An attendee joins/leaves – An attendee raises hand – A new chat is typed – A new note is typed – New presentation shared – The slide changes – A poll is opened – Poll results shared – But not when there are annotations
6/4/ Questions? U.S.: Help Desk: Customer Service: View International Numbers : globalResNumbers.php