CCP-2 COMMUNICATION AND COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS Instructional Leadership Development Framework for Data-driven Systems QUALITY STUDENT PERFORMANCE ETHICS AND INTEGRITY Curriculum/Instruction/ Assessment Supervision Professional Development Organizational Management CULTURE Communication and Community Partnerships Learner-CenteredHigh Expectations CollaborativeContinuous Improvement
CCP-3 Premises Parents send the very best they have. They care about their children and value education. Parents and community members support the school through the payment of taxes and have expectations of the school. The school staff serves all stakeholders by providing a challenging, appropriate education for the children of the community. Effective schools are intentional about building relationships with parents and the community. COMMUNICATION AND COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS
CCP-4 Be aware of multiple strategies for effective communication and relationships with various stakeholders. Understand an effective way to manage conflict in communication. Understand the rationale for creating authentic community partnerships. Recognize the importance of all stakeholders in promoting school and student success. COMMUNICATION AND COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS Objectives
CCP-5 Communication is essential to create, maintain, and support a climate of trust internally and externally, which encourages a sense of belonging and partnership in the education of students. COMMUNICATION AND COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS
CCP-6 TRUST is based on someone trusting another person’s trustworthiness. COMMUNICATION AND COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS What are the characteristics of someone who is trusting? What are the characteristics of someone who is trustworthy?
CCP-7 Authentic relationships are fostered by: personal conversation frequent dialogue shared work shared responsibilities —Linda Lambert —Adapted from Building Leadership Capacity in Schools TRUST is built through authentic relationships. COMMUNICATION AND COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS
CCP-8 Campus (External) Communication System Examples Provide local media with campus news Distribute faculty and student handbook Provide parent newsletter Conduct parent-student-teacher conferences Post SBDM committee minutes in the school Send student work home for signatures Hold community meetings at local churches, public libraries, etc. Make home visits Present at local civic organizations Establish meetings with social service agencies in the community Meet with the mayor and city council members COMMUNICATION AND COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS
CCP-9 Classroom (Internal) Communication System Examples Hold staff meetings focused on the needs of students in danger of failing Publicly recognize success of staff and students Establish campus committees for improved communication Provide staff with SBDM meeting minutes Monthly breakfast with the principal meeting with students Make a personal contact with each teacher in the building each week Mentor a group of at-risk students Establish student assistance teams COMMUNICATION AND COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS
CCP-10 Effective Communication to Manage Conflict Define the shared problem. Listen to understand the other person’s perspective. Communicate your perspective. Generate win-win options. Collaboratively create a plan. Implement and then review the plan. COMMUNICATION AND COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS
CCP-11 Optional Activity As a table group, read the transcript of Kelley’s parent conference. Scenario: William’s mother is in the principal’s office pursuing her concern for William. Choose two volunteers at your table to roleplay the scene using the conflict management steps you have learned. Others at your table are observers. You have 10 minutes. Discuss. COMMUNICATION AND COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS
CCP-12 Discuss the questions: “Why is it important to involve parents and the community in schools today?” “What are the barriers to involving parents and the community in schools today?” COMMUNICATION AND COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS
CCP-13 In your group, make a T chart on the tablet or paper provided. Record your responses and be prepared to share them with the whole group. Why involve? COMMUNICATION AND COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS Barriers
CCP-14 Creating Partnerships “If we set our sights on Learning for All, then the implicit partners in the educational process of children become an important resource since these partnerships are part of what it will take to achieve the mission.” —L. Lezotte — Learning for All COMMUNICATION AND COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS
CCP-15 At your table: Discuss what “partnership” means to you. Generate a definition for partnership. List some of the partnerships you envision in the Lone Star Middle School learning community. Defining Partnership Activity COMMUNICATION AND COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS
CCP-16 Creating, Maintaining, and Supporting Partnerships Two Big Ideas: Invitation Meaningful involvement COMMUNICATION AND COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS
CCP-17 Activity As a table group, “stand in the shoes” of the person(s) you have been assigned and complete the following statements: 1.My goals are…. 2. The resources I bring to the educational process are…. 3. The support I need from the school community is…. 4.I will feel invited and welcomed…. 5.I will be meaningfully involved when…. COMMUNICATION AND COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS
CCP-18 COMMUNICATION AND COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS Continuous Improvement Planning Process Data Sources for Data-driven Decision-making Curriculum/Instruction/Assessment Supervision Professional Development Communication and Community Partnerships Organizational Management Quality Student Performance
CCP-19 Self-Assessment/Reflection Based on the Communication and Community Partnerships component, what additional knowledge and skills do you need for continuous improvement? COMMUNICATION AND COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS