7th Grade Unit 9: Earth Resources Lesson 1: Human Impact on Earth Resources Vocabulary of Instruction:
1. Deforestation Destruction and cutting down of forests— often to clear land for mining, roads, and grazing of cattle—resulting in increased atmospheric CO 2 levels.
2. Greenhouse Effect Natural heating that occurs when certain gases in Earth’s atmosphere, such as methane, CO2, and water vapor, trap heat.
3. Global Warming Increase in the average global temperature of Earth.
4. Inexhaustible Resources Resources that cannot be entirely consumed or used up in nature. SunWind
5. Nonrenewable Resources Natural resource, such as fossil fuels and minerals that cannot be replaced by natural processes as quickly as it is used. Coal OilGold
6. Renewable Resources Natural resources, such as water, sunlight, and crops that are constantly being recycled or replaced by nature. Geothermal PowerWoodPaper