Real and Perceived Performances in PHD Curricula. A challenge for Quality Assurance in H.E. The Storytelling approach Massimo Bianchi, University of Bologna School of Economics, Management and Statistics Forlì Massimo Bianchi
The background of storytelling approach Case Methods WYSIWYG The Cameron pathfinder paper The Critical Studies in Management Critics coming from the top of Big Companies and the fall of MBA Schools The GAP between Theory and Managerial Practice The Storytelling Approach ( Trivial topics )
The standard process of performances control.
Story tellings and QA Back to the future The selection of PHD candidates “english speaking “ The Crowdy Scientific Committees The dissertations like recommendations for the government The Mentoring of Dissertations
From the Supervisor’s Ground
Critical Topics for PHD Scarce Results compared to Expectations High costs and waste of resources Self referenced evaluations
Main Sources for a Survey on Universities Quality
Performance Evaluation in EU Projects : a Triangle with Four Sides The P.STAFF The BENEFICIARIES The THIRD PARTS The COMMITTMENT
The components of performances Objectives Resources ProcessingResults
A Simpliest QA Systems More complex QA Systems Quantity of information and data on Performance Significance of data on performance SOME TRIVIAL FACTS
Accuracy of Forecasting in Project Management Kick off Meeting The forecast of final Quality in Project Management Accuracy of Forecasting in Routine Activities Final Reporting
ECEZAD To Simplify : Basic Performance Indexes
Locate correctely the Quality Assurance Indexes
The survey and control templates ( Students).
The survey and control templates ( Teachers).
The survey and control templates ( External Evaluators).
Data Summary ( Teachers about Students) Students participation 45480,94 Students interact with the teachers 43480,90 Students demonstrate to grip the english language 38480,79 Perf. item Detect.Max.Det/max
The Performance main Perspectives Perceived Performance –Derived from subjective evaluations ( Like from questionnaires ) Effective Performance –Calculated on the basis of objective indexes
Comparation between Effective and Perceived Performance An example
CONCLUSIONS Quality Assurance has three basic Topics Ec Ez Ad There is a GAP between Perceived and Real Performance Main Source of QA is a balanced system of monitoring among Acad. and Adm. Staff / Students / Third evaluator Individual colloque and the storytelling system will enrich the evaluation and make more affordable the QA
Hard Final Question ! Do You want really to know the evaluation of Your performance or do You prefer Your perception ?
About the personal performance the truth can be awfully unpleasant like the head of the Gorgone
Back to the mythical tale Athena, advised Perseus to only look at the Gorgons through the reflection of his shiny bronze shield, otherwise he'll be turned to stone. The Myth could be transfered to Performance Evaluation in Project Management. Storytelling applied to Performance Evaluation and Reporting for QA reflected indirectely in the eyes of the committment creating ONE MORE TIME A TRIANGLE WITH FOUR SIDES !!!