Indiana Voter Registration Association Conference Voter List Maintenance Mailing II Brad King, Co-Director, Indiana Election Division July 30, 2014
Wednesday, August 6, 2014 – Voter List Maintenance Deadline in Federal and State Law: – “A voter list maintenance program conducted under [IC ] must… be completed not later than ninety (90) days before a… general election.”
What does this mean? Making voter registration record “inactive” must be completed by August 6, Updating address within the same county must be completed by August 6, 2014, if information obtained from the statewide mailing. Canceling registration record must be completed by August 6, 2014, if information obtained from statewide mailing.
Midnight Oil What happens at 11:59 p.m. on August 6, 2014 (one minute before midnight?
IED Guidance If you have completed all HUMAN effort necessary for SVRS to process record by 11:59 pm, August 6, then the time necessary for COMPUTER SOFTWARE to carry out your command does not count against deadline.
The Big Freeze
What Can You Do? Under IC , the “Big Freeze” does NOT “prevent the removal of a voter’s name before a general election” due to: – The written request of the voter (VRG-14, for example), or registration in other state – Death of a voter – Disenfranchisement of voter due to criminal conviction and incarceration
Registration Deadline: October 6 Can still process change of address, change of name, or cancellation request from sources other than voter list maintenance program. New military and overseas voter deadline: 8 days before election (Monday, October 27; formerly 10 days, always fell on Saturday)
What’s Next? VSTOP, Quest, and IED have meeting scheduled to determine: – which changes can and should be made to Web Service Framework before November – what deadlines should be to allow enough time to complete any necessary testing. At least one vendor (Decision Support) is having lab testing for epollbook upgrade, requesting certification. Ask your vendor.
Don’t forget the VRG-21 VRG-21 (Affidavit of County Voter Registration Officer Concerning Voter List Maintenance): Must be filed with Election Division by noon, August 19, County voter registration officer (clerk or separate registration board members) swear that voter list maintenance program has been conducted in accordance with state and federal law.
After the Freeze… Registration reopens December 1, If any voter list maintenance records have not been processed, county can resume doing so, BUT: – First check voter record to see if any intervening event occurred, such as voting or appearing to vote on November 4, 2014!