Structures of the Wampanoag Indians The Wampanoag Indian government was based off of a confederate system. Which means they were a group of peoples parties ect. United together to make decisions within the tribe.
The Wampanoag government structure To make decisions they had a sachems which were advised and assisted by a council. The council were people that represented the different groups of the tribes. Those included groups of women and elders. They also had to consult with petty sachems that were people of great influence in the tribe.
The sachems The sachems were sort of like the president in the governmental structure. They bring up the topic to talk about in meetings. They also make the final decisions for the laws they make.
The council The council for the sachem was basically the senate in the government. They help the sachem make decisions for laws or war starting. They also represent the different people of the tribe and discusses there needs with the rest of them.
The petty sachems Were people of great influence in the tribe so they also played a big part in the decision making. They discussed to the council problems and ideas in there areas. They also were the ones that would always be heard no matter what.
Wampanoag social structure The family was the most important element in the Wampanoag society. The role of the men in society they were hunters, fishers, and often protectors for their families in wars. They built circular homes for their families. They often participated in trade and politics.
Men's roles continued The men were also mainly the carvers they made wooden bowls, soapstone pots and they also built boats when needed. The other important roles that men played were making weapons for hunting and war to survive and make clothes from animal skins.
The Women's role The women's role were mainly farmers and gardeners. They took care of the children. The cultivated the land collected food from harvest and collected shellfish. They made clothes blankets ect.They also gathered berries. The children mainly played and went to school but they also did chores around the house. They also helped greatly in the decision making in the governmental.laws
The children's roles The Childs role was mainly to go to school and keep the little ones out of the way. They also helped with chores around the house. When needed and also collected snow for water in the winter. So the children really didn't have to do any thing until they were older.
Economic system Was mainly a bartering system that you traded one thing and got another thing for it. So basically it was a trading Based economy. They traded food clothing and items of value for other thing of greater needs then who they were trading with.