1 Draft Content Standards for K-12 Science First Reading Helen Maguire, Cheryl Kleckner Office of Educational Improvement and Innovation Oregon Department of Education State Board of Education January 15, 2009
2 Adopted by the Oregon State Board of Education to define what students are expected to know and be able to do Oregon Content Standards
3 New Core Standards Structure Fewer, more focused and coherent content standards Fewer, more focused and coherent content standards Built around “big ideas” for each grade level and subject area (core standards statement) Built around “big ideas” for each grade level and subject area (core standards statement) Articulates learning progressions within and between grade levels Articulates learning progressions within and between grade levels Allows for more effective lesson design, focused instruction, and creation of formative assessments Allows for more effective lesson design, focused instruction, and creation of formative assessments Endurance, Leverage, and Success Endurance, Leverage, and Success
4 Overview of Oregon’s Standards Revision Process Review and revision cycle Review and revision cycle Content and assessment panels (ORS ) used to develop new standards Content and assessment panels (ORS ) used to develop new standards Stakeholder engagement/external partners Stakeholder engagement/external partners National and international research/experts National and international research/experts Public input on draft documents Public input on draft documents Input used to revise drafts Input used to revise drafts State Board adoption State Board adoption
5 Oregon’s Standards Revision Process at Work Science Standards Revision Science Standards Revision National Research Council’s science education reports National Research Council’s science education reports WestEd’s Oregon Core Standards recommendations WestEd’s Oregon Core Standards recommendations 2009 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) science framework 2009 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) science framework National and state science standards National and state science standards CCSSO’s vertical alignment reports CCSSO’s vertical alignment reports National and international experts’ recommendations National and international experts’ recommendations Public comments Public comments
6 Organization and Content of the Revised Science Standards Guiding Principles and Goals: Science knowledge and skills essential for all students Science knowledge and skills essential for all students Standards can be taught and learned in depth in three coherent units per grade in K-5 Standards can be taught and learned in depth in three coherent units per grade in K-5 Standards can be taught and learned in depth in six coherent units per grade in 6-8 Standards can be taught and learned in depth in six coherent units per grade in 6-8 High school standards can be taught and learned in depth in three science credits in traditional or applied High school standards can be taught and learned in depth in three science credits in traditional or applied
7 Organization and Content of the Revised Science Standards Four Core Standards for Each Grade: Structure and Function Structure and Function Physical, life, and earth and space science content Physical, life, and earth and space science content Interaction and Change Interaction and Change Physical, life, and earth and space science content Physical, life, and earth and space science content Scientific Inquiry Scientific Inquiry Science inquiry process and critical thinking skills Science inquiry process and critical thinking skills Engineering Design Engineering Design Problem-solving process and critical thinking skills Problem-solving process and critical thinking skills
8 Planned Guidance and Support Documents Science Standards Framework Science Standards Framework Content specifications for each standard (including detailed description, examples, scope) Content specifications for each standard (including detailed description, examples, scope) Sample coherent units Sample coherent units Science concepts map (shows the vertical progression and within grade connections) Science concepts map (shows the vertical progression and within grade connections) Standards crosswalk (alignment between the 2001 and the 2009 standards) Standards crosswalk (alignment between the 2001 and the 2009 standards) Descriptions of the core strands and learning progression of the big ideas Descriptions of the core strands and learning progression of the big ideas Glossary of terms Glossary of terms
9 Structure and FunctionInteraction and Change Scientific Inquiry Engineering Design Properties of Matter Forms of Energy Changes in Matter Energy Transfer and Conservation Forces and Motion Organization of Living Systems Matter and Energy Transformations in Living Systems Interdependence Evolution and Diversity Properties of Earth Materials Objects in the Universe Matter and Energy Transformations in Earth Systems History of Earth Life Physical Earth and Space Science Standards Framework Abilities to do Scientific Inquiry Nature, History, and Interaction of Science and Technology Abilities to do Engineering Design Nature, History, and Interaction of Technology and Science Science Content Knowledge Science Process Skills* * The Science Process Skills align with the Oregon Essential Skills
10 Science Processes Align with the Oregon Essential Skills “We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology.” Carl Sagan Gather Relevant Information Explore/Brainstorm Discover/Create Test Evidence-based Explanations and Solutions Knowledge and Innovations Design Create or Refine Technological Solutions Engineering DesignScientific Inquiry Investigate Communicate and Apply Discover Scientific Knowledge Articulate QuestionsDefine Problems Communicate and Apply
11 Planned Professional Development ODE working with NWREL Comprehensive Center & Center On Instruction ODE working with NWREL Comprehensive Center & Center On Instruction Research–based elements of effective instruction and work with the new standards Research–based elements of effective instruction and work with the new standards External partners are involved External partners are involved Train the trainer model with follow up Train the trainer model with follow up Regional PD opportunities will be offered Regional PD opportunities will be offered Math this year, science next year Math this year, science next year
12 Thank you! Cheryl Kleckner Science Education Specialist Office of Educational Improvement and Innovation