The Certified Bank Manager CBM
2 FOCUS AREAS Laws & Regulations Credit Management Strategy & Governance Risk Management CB M
Graduates, Post Graduates, CFAs, CAIIBs, CAs, CWAs and CSs Graduates (in any discipline) with 45% & above. 24 Months Students are required to complete all the Six groups within a period of 7 years.
4 Program Structure GroupSubject A Money & Banking Banking law & Regulations B Central Banking Commercial Banking C Credit Management International Finance & Banking D Treasury & Risk Management Investment Banking & Financial Services E Bank marketing & Operations Strategy & Governance F Elective I
ELECTIVES (Any 2) Wealth Management HRM in Banks Project Finance Investment Management in Banks
Fee Schedule ParticularsWith Training Classes (Rs.) Without Training Classes (Rs.) Admission Fee Program Fee Training Fee (A,B & C) Total (Lump sum Payment) 3,000 24,000 15,000 42,000 3,000 24, ,000 Installment Facility Initial payment On the 30th day after Application 15,000 27,000 15,000 12,000 EMI Facility Initial Payment 5 EMIs 15,000 5,670 15,000 2,520
Designation The Certified Bank Manager Degree: Master of Banking & Financial Services Membership Institute of Bank Management Research