講者: 許永昌 老師 1
Contents Goal of this chapter Action: K and W Action: Work is Fcos dr= F dr. Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem Conservative and Nonconservative forces Conservation of Energy Power 2
Goal of this chapter 3
Energy Transfer and Energy transformation ( 請預讀 P303~P304) 4 E th KU SYSTEM Energy transfer
Action: K and W ( 請預讀 P302~P306) 5 F F
Action: Work done by a force F is Fcos dr ( 請預讀 P307~P309) 6
The dot product of two vectors ( 請預讀 P310~P311) Geometric: Algebra: E.g. A=(1, 1) B=(sqrt(3), 1) A B=? 請同時使用兩種算法算看看。 7 A B A B A B
Exercise of work-kinetic energy theorem A 2.0 kg ball is lifted upward on a string. It goes from rest to a speed of 2.0 m/s in a distance of 1.0 m. What is the tension (assumed to stay constant) in the string? Method 1: by Newton’s 2 nd Law of Motion Method 2: by Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem. 8
Homework Student Workbook 11.1, 11.2, 11.3, 11.9,
Summary I 10
Conservative and Nonconservative force ( 請預讀 P312~P316) 11 A B A B
Conservative and Nonconservative force (Continue) 12
Exercise A 1.0 kg block whose velocity is v x =2.0 m/s at x=0 m moves along the x-axis. Assume that there is only one kind of force exerted on this block and F x -versus-x graph is shown as follows. Calculate the velocity of this block at x=5 m or it never gets to x=5 m. Plot the potential-versus-x graph. 13 x (m) F x (N)
Finding force from potential energy ( 請預讀 P317) Since we get Therefore, 14 梯度
Homework Student Workbook 11.14, 11.15, 11.17, 11.19,
Summary II 16
Center of Mass ( 請預讀 P343) Based on Newton’s 2 nd and 3 rd Law of Motion: If we define We get 17 X
Kinetic Energy 18 X X X 考慮旋轉時,會把 K rot 由 K micro 中抽離出, 也當作 Kmech 中的一個。
Potential energy contributed from the internal forces 19
System and Environment ( 請預讀 P318~P322) Work-kinetic energy theorem: W net = K. K=K macro +K micro. W net =W c +W nc W c = U mech U micro W nc =W ext ( 這裡與課本不同的是, dissipative force 在微觀尺度其實也是來自 保守力,所以已經被計算在 U micro 裡頭了 ) We get: 20
System and environment ( 請預讀 P323~P324) Work-kinetic energy theorem 21 Conservation of Energy System W Q Wave, …
Power ( 請預讀 P325~P327) 22
Exercise A 0.5 kg cart and a 2.0 kg cart are attached and are rolling forward with a speed of 2.0 m/s. Suddenly a spring-loaded plunger pops out and blows the two carts apart from each other. The smaller cart shoots backward at 2.0 m/s. What are the speed and direction of the larger cart? If the spring constant of the plunger is 25,000 N/m, by how much was the spring initially compressed? 23
Summary III 24
Homework Student Workbook 11.22, 11.23, 11.25, Textbook 請自行練習 Terms and Notation ( 製造字卡 ) 25