Desertification – the change of farmable land to desert caused by overfarming and overgrazing ◦ Big problem around the Sahara Deforestation – destruction of forests, especially rainforests ◦ Big problem in the Amazon rainforest
Globalization – the creation of an economy that includes the entire world Trades and exchanges take place between countries all the time What sorts of things in our world today help contribute to this?
Of the things with you right now, how many were made in other parts of the world? Globalization allows for companies to operate on a world stage, not just locally
Global Interdependence – all countries relying on each other economically North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) – an agreement between the United States, Mexico, and Canada to allow for free trade between them European Union (EU) – agreement between 27 European countries to eliminate economic barriers and operate as a united economy The Euro replaced the currency of these countries when they joined What is the downside to all of this?
Global North – industrialized nations with high literacy rate, high standard of living ◦ What examples can you think of? Global South – developing nations with low literacy rates, low standard of living, unemployment, debt ◦ Examples? ◦ Usually dependent economically on Global north
With a partner or partners, brainstorm ways that your life is affected by globalization (both good and bad)
Green Revolution – attempt to increase food production worldwide Fertilizers, pesticides, and scientific advancements used to make farming more successful Very effective – helped prevent famines in parts of the world, especially India
Spiritual Buddhist leader of Tibet Tibet – invaded by Communist China in 1950 Why would China have an issue with religion in Tibet? Dalai Lama exiled – hasn’t been back to his homeland since
Leader of democratic movement in Burma (Myanmar) Has been arrested and imprisoned for years due to her beliefs (sound familiar?) Released from house arrest in 2010
You will be viewing this article from the perspective of one of these 5 groups 1.Growing Stars 2.American-based tutors 3.The Marinaros 4.Indian tutors 5.Local Indian schools You need to be able to answer the following questions: ◦ How does outsourcing affect you (positive, negative, both)? ◦ What is your attitude toward outsourcing? ◦ What other examples of outsourcing can you think of?