L ESSON O BJECTIVE : This lesson is designed to introduce you to the KEY workforce training principles referred to as….. ADULT LEARNING THEORY
There are SIX key principles. L ESSON O BJECTIVE : ? ! ! ? ? ! We’ll learn about these principles by following the training story of an office worker….Wile E. Coyote.
L ESSON O UTCOME : By the end of the lesson, you will have learned: 1.WHAT are the SIX principles of ADULT LEARNING THEORY? 2.WHY is it important for training in the workforce? 3.HOW you can apply the concepts and techniques of ADULT LEARNING THEORY. I’LL BE A GENIUS!
L EARNING S CENARIO ACME has decided that Mr. Wile E. has to start using a new reporting system and there’s a tight deadline for when that new system will replace the former one. Mr. Wile E. has been working in accounting for ACME for several years.
L EARNING S CENARIO While Mr Wile E. must adhere to the demands of a typically hectic and day-to-day job…. …..he has to upskill on technology that he’s not familiar with and learn how to apply it to his current role. ACME Training Manual
L EARNING S CENARIO Let’s see how the SIX ADULT LEARNING PRINCIPLES could be applied to Wile E.’s training situation.
A DULT L EARNING P RINCIPLE # 1 Adults bring various experiences, knowledge, educational levels, and cultural backgrounds to a learning environment and learning context. ? ! ! ? ? ! Let’s explore an example.
1. Try2. Fail3. Try something NEW NU-CLEE-R Here is Wile E.’s engrained learning pattern….. I MPACT E XAMPLE F OR # 1
Adults have different learning needs, challenges, and motivations when they must acquire a new skill, enhance an existing one, OR K EY T AKE -A WAYS F OR # 1 ! ! ! ! ! develop ANY TYPE of knowledge to be conducted in the workplace.
A DULT L EARNING P RINCIPLES # 2 & 3 When required to train on the job, adults ESPECIALLY need to connect with RELEVANCY and see themselves in a relevant training situation. ? ! ! ? ? ! Comprehending PERSONAL RELEVANCY in on-the-job training influences adults to focus on the PRACTICALITY of their training for their job function. Let’s explore an example. WHY?
So the customer type was irrelevant to him. I MPACT E XAMPLE F OR # 2 & 3 Wile E. went through the training on the new system that ACME required. Then he discovered the new system was NOT going to be implemented right away. So by the time he was expected to use the new system, he had lost the bulk of what he had retained because he wasn’t able to put the training into practice on the job at the right time. THEN he realized he’d be dealing with a different customer type, which was not covered as a scenario taught in the training.
Show relevance of the training to the tasks that a learner will perform on the job. K EY T AKE -A WAYS F OR # 2 & 3 ! ! ! ! ! Ensure that learners are getting the appropriate training WHEN they need it – not weeks or months BEFORE they need to implement what they learned for their jobs.
A DULT L EARNING P RINCIPLES # 4 & 5 Adults are acculturated toward being GOAL ORIENTED, especially on the job. ? ! ! ? ? ! Let’s explore an example. Having been groomed in goal-orientation, especially on the job, compels typical adult learners to be So when in job-related training, adults are cognizant that there is a GOAL to be met. INTERNALLY SELF- MOTIVATED and SELF- DIRECTED.
1. Try2. Fail3. Try something NEW NU-CLEE-R As we learned earlier, Wile E. is highly goal-oriented in a learning context. I MPACT E XAMPLE F OR # 4 & 5
Unfortunately, Wile E.’s training did not succeed as planned. He was assigned a course that had no relevance to his function at ACME. As you can see, he aimed for the course’s goal….. I MPACT E XAMPLE F OR # 4 & 5
…..he wound up in a NEW, UNEXPECTED predicament that was not anticipated by his training. But, because the course did not align with his function AND ALSO GOALS to which he could relate…. Now he is thinking….”how do I get myself out of this mess?” I MPACT E XAMPLE F OR # 4 & 5
HOW do YOU THINK Adult Learning Principles could have prevented this outcome for our Learner? I MPACT E XAMPLE F OR # 4 & 5
Relevant, goal-based scenarios help on-the- job learners PERSONALLY connect to THEIR training by ! ! ! ! ! K EY T AKE -A WAYS F OR # 4 & 5 showing how their learning FITS their goals and WHY it is important to their function on the job.
! ! ! ! ! This process leads to greater self- confidence and thus greater ENTHUSIASM and PRODUCTIVTY on the job. Once a learner is presented with objectives, scenarios, and goals to which they can personally MAP, their natural self- motivation and self- direction “kick in” and help the training “stick.” K EY T AKE -A WAYS F OR # 4 & 5
A DULT L EARNING P RINCIPLE # 6 What final “flood gate” can you open to inspire adult learners? ? ! ! ? ? ! Let’s explore an example. Adult learners need to be recognized for what they “bring to the table” in their training environment or context. This means, in a training environment, adult learners require RESPECT for what they already know and can contribute to a class.
I MPACT E XAMPLE F OR # 6 Wile E. has worked at ACME for several years, as we learned earlier.
He genuinely PERCEIVES that he KNOWS how to excel in his function. I MPACT E XAMPLE F OR # 6
This is not simply an ego- driven necessity….. ….but is also related to respect for the time someone gives to meet a job-related training requirement WHILE ALSO…. I MPACT E XAMPLE F OR # 6
I MPACT E XAMPLE F OR # 6 …..conducting day-to-day duties….which may involve needs THAT MUST be met at home. F AMILY C ARE G ET F OOD ON THE T ABLE H OUSEWORK AND C HORES
Let’s look at an example that Wile E.’s instructor could use to enable him to feel that his time and experience are respected during the on-the-job training. ? ! ! * & # I MPACT E XAMPLE F OR # 6
K EY T AKE -A WAYS F OR # 6 ! ! ! ! ! Engage learners through QUESTIONS that allow you to discover what learners ARE THINKING! Teaching through inquiry allows you to PERSONALIZE YOUR TRAINING….. AND uncover “good evidence.”
“Good evidence” is not the same as correct answers, but means that you have information on which you can act upon immediately. ? ! ! ? ? ! Once you have have the evidence showing your learners’ current understanding, adjust your training accordingly. K EY T AKE -A WAYS F OR # 6
Questioning during training helps learners retain more of what is relevant to them and thus more of what they NEED to know. ? ! ! ? ? ! Aligning with what learners know helps THEM feel that their experience AND time are respected – and integrated into their training. K EY T AKE -A WAYS F OR # 6