Two Point Perspective Cityscape Project
Perspective is all about giving the illusion of space. Following are some really neat illusions…
Claes Oldenburg what he says about his artwork "The main reason for the colossal objects is the obvious one, to expand and intensify the presence of the vessel -- the object," Oldenburg has said. "Perhaps I am more a still-life painter -- using the city as a tablecloth.” At another time he remarked, "Because my work is naturally non-meaningful, the meaning found in it will remain doubtful and inconsistent -- which is the way it should be. All that I care about is that, like any startling piece of nature, it should be capable of stimulating meaning."
Vary the size of your building You should have building of different heights. You do this by simply changing how far up you draw your vertical lines.
How to draw space in between buildings You will have draw a new vertical line away from the first building you drew. From that line you will draw your four lines to the two V. P.’s.
Drawing Windows The lines that make up the top and the bottom of the windows MUST always lead to V.P. that is on that side of the building. The vertical lines that make up the sides of the windows MUST be perfectly straight, up and down.
Drawing road/sidewalks in perspective First, choose one spot for the corner of the road. From that corner, all lines must lead to the appropriate V. P.
Drawing trees in perspective Draw trees as you normally do, with one exception - The tops of the trees must be angled in the direction of the V. P.
Drawing signs in perspective Make sure the tops and the bottoms of all signs and words go in the direction of the V. P.
PROJECT DIRECTIONS : Create a cityscape in 2 point perspective. Be sure to use the techniques demonstrated in class. You may also refer to packet for help. This project will be done in one or more of the following mediums: pencil, color pencil, or black sharpie markers (be sure to include texture and value). Project must meet the following requirements: * Include a horizon line and 2 vanishing points * All lines must line up to the proper vanishing points * Must use a ruler to ensure all lines are straight * Must include windows and doors drawn in proper perspective * Must include signs and words in proper perspective * Show craftsmanship * Demonstrate creativity and planning, color the entire composition. * Include objects that works with the design of your project (ex. sidewalk, street, lawn, etc.)