30 Second Pitch You never get a second chance to make a first impression
30 Second Pitch 2 What is an effective elevator pitch? Goal – GREAT first impression and to give a little information about yourself to get the conversation started. Who you are What you do (in terms of how that brings value to your Target Audience) What you’re looking for or whom you’d like to connect with Learn about the other person
30 Second Pitch 3 Structure of the Pitch Introduction Name, Graduate Student in Management Studies Program at BU Interesting Tidbit You could state why you chose to get your masters Or…..what is unique about you that you hope to bring to the industry Or……why x interests you What you’re looking for Ask about the other person
30 Second Pitch 4 Who are you? It’s not just your name First impression Smile Be Confident Polite Eye contact Interested in them Neatly dressed My name is _______ and I am currently enrolled in the Management Studies Graduate Program at BU.
30 Second Pitch 5 Interesting tidbit Why are you in the Program? What is it about you that’s different than other professionals? Why are you interested in x?
30 Second Pitch 6 What You’re Looking For What is your goal at whatever event you’re at? People love to help so let people know how they can help you. Ex: I’m looking to meet product managers at technology/science companies so I can learn about their real-world challenges. Ex: I’m looking to meet business analysts at medical device companies to learn more about how I can best prepare for my career.
30 Second Pitch 7 In closing Engage the other person. Be intriguing Ask about them
30 Second Pitch 8 How many versions do you need? Target Audiences Networking Interviewing Industry Professional Non-Industry Person What if you meet someone randomly in an elevator, café, etc….always be ready!
30 Second Pitch 9 Practice Time
30 Second Pitch 10 Questions? Help? What do you do if you get into a jam or need help? Schedule an appointment with me! Cris Nigro Feld Career Center or