Kagoshima University© 2008, Jay A. SmithPage 1 Lesson 11 Elevator Pitches & Other Presentations
Kagoshima University© 2008, Jay A. SmithPage 2 Today’s Class Overview of individual meetings & suggestions Elevator pitches More about presentations
Kagoshima University© 2008, Jay A. SmithPage 3 Common Challenges Particles (a, an, the, _ (nothing)) owl.english.purdue.edu esl.about.com Word choice, usage, vocabulary Concept map Web-of-words (prefixes, suffixes)
Kagoshima University© 2008, Jay A. SmithPage 4 Concept Map Chart other words in relationship to original key word Categories, properties, examples.. Example starting word: nail
Kagoshima University© 2008, Jay A. SmithPage 5 Web of Words Create list of words using same prefix or suffix Example starting word: thermometer
Kagoshima University© 2008, Jay A. SmithPage 6 Speaking Practice: Lets Act
Kagoshima University© 2008, Jay A. SmithPage 7 Let’s Pitch
Kagoshima University© 2008, Jay A. SmithPage 8 Your 4 Part Elevator Pitch (plus you) 0. Introduce yourself & organization 1. Current Situation 2. Complication or Problem with current situation 3. Your research or business solution/idea 4. The potential impact
Kagoshima University© 2008, Jay A. SmithPage 9 7 Minute Presentations (January) Choose Business Idea or Science/Research to someone who may give you some money for your business or research Add detail/background/support to your elevator pitch Powerpoint Or Poster Plus 3 minutes for Q&A
Kagoshima University© 2008, Jay A. SmithPage 10 Expand your Elevator Pitch Who am I? What is my company/product? What problem does it solve? How are we different? Why should you care
Kagoshima University© 2008, Jay A. SmithPage 11 Business Presentations Opportunity/problem to be solved Target market/customer Product/service to be created Value being created Why it is better than competition Business model (how firm will make money) Key people/backgrounds Resources needed – forecast, timeline
Kagoshima University© 2008, Jay A. SmithPage 12 How to Make a Great Pitch Guy Kawasaki 8EQPpA4DM&feature=related
Kagoshima University© 2008, Jay A. SmithPage 13 Scientific Presentations Science Talk s/documents/ see links in middle of page s/documents/ Poster Session ci/cpurrin1/posteradvice.htm ci/cpurrin1/posteradvice.htm
Kagoshima University© 2008, Jay A. SmithPage 14 Other Great Presentation Sits (Berkeley Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society) Guy Kawasaki Rule Age/font size algorithm Top 10 format VC ticing-art-of-pitchcraft.html ticing-art-of-pitchcraft.html
Kagoshima University© 2008, Jay A. SmithPage 15 Homework Practice reading English …out loud too Watch the NIH video Decide on your presentation topic Simple outline List 10 most important things Organize them
Kagoshima University© 2008, Jay A. SmithPage 16 Class 12 Elevator Pitches (continued) Presentation Outlines
Kagoshima University© 2008, Jay A. SmithPage 17 Homework Practice reading English …out loud too Interesting topical reading Design/creative, engineering/industry, biology Out loud script reading Watch the NIH video Decide on your presentation topic Simple outline List 10 most important things Organize them
Kagoshima University© 2008, Jay A. SmithPage 18 Your 4 Part Elevator Pitch 1. Current Situation in business/research area 2. Complication, Problem, Need with current situation 3. Your research or business solution/idea 4. The potential impact
Kagoshima University© 2008, Jay A. SmithPage 19 Elevator Pitch Example Dyson’s new washing machine: Washing machine design has not developed for several decades, and current technology is ineffective and inefficient. More and more consumers are time-constrained and demand a fast wash, without losing cleanliness and efficiency. This revolutionary product design, with the ‘Contrarotator’ twin drum technology, manipulates and flexes the clothes in a unique way to release dirt more effectively. This results in a cleaner, faster and more efficient wash for the busy and environmentally aware household.
Kagoshima University© 2008, Jay A. SmithPage 20 Example - Dyson’s new washing machine: Situation Washing machine design has not developed for several decades, and current technology is ineffective and inefficient. Complication/Problem/Need: More and more consumers are time-constrained and demand a fast wash, without losing cleanliness and efficiency. Solution This revolutionary product design, with the ‘Contrarotator’ twin drum technology, manipulates and flexes the clothes in a unique way to release dirt more effectively. Impact: This results in a cleaner, faster and more efficient wash for the busy and environmentally aware household.
Kagoshima University© 2008, Jay A. SmithPage 21 Pitch Warm-UP Any volunteers? Pair up for 3 minutes practice Pitch = 1 min. max
Kagoshima University© 2008, Jay A. SmithPage 22 Homework for 12/10 Decide on your presentation topic List 10 most important things Organize them to make simple outline (in Word, Powerpoint, Excel) We will review several in class More One on one sessions Please to me by 12/9
Kagoshima University© 2008, Jay A. SmithPage 23 Your 4 Part Elevator Pitch (in 5 parts) 0. Introduce yourself & organization …ADD A HEADLINE: ……. 1. Current Situation in business/research area 2. Complication or Problem with current situation 3. Your research or business solution/idea 4. The potential impact
Kagoshima University© 2008, Jay A. SmithPage 24 Office Hour: Tues: 13:30-15:00 VBL 2F 電話 Class Schedule (Revised A) 5/28 ( 水 )12:50-14:20 ① Intro/ Self-Introductions 6/4 ( 水 )12:50-14:20 ② Getting Your Point Across 6/11 ( 水 )12:50-14:20 ③ Casual Business Conversations 6/18 ( 水 )12:50-14:20 ④ Understanding Business News 6/25 ( 水 )12:50-14:20 ⑤ PR & Marketing Communication 7/2 ( 水 )12:50-14:20 ⑥ Professional Correspondence 7/9 ( 水 )12:50-14:20 ⑦ Science & Technology Writing 7/16 ( 水 )12:50-14:20 ⑧ Working With New Media 10/8 ( 水 )12:50-14:20 ⑨ Public Speaking 11/19( 水 )12:50-14:20 ⑩ Elevator Pitches 11/26( 水 )12:50-14:20 ⑪ Business/Tech Presentations 12/3 ( 水 )12:50-14:20 ⑫ Initial Student Presentation Outline 12/10( 水 )12:50-14:20 ⑬ Business Plan/Tech/Poster Workshop 1/14 ( 水 )12:50-14:20 ⑭ Final Plan/Tech/Poster Presentation 1/21 ( 水 )12:50-14:20 ⑮ Final Plan/Poster Presentation (continued) 1/28( 水 ) Final Report Due 12/5? 12/12? Cocktail Party Exercise
Kagoshima University© 2008, Jay A. SmithPage 25 7 Minute Presentations (January) Choose Business Idea or Science/Research to someone who may give you some money for your business or research Add detail/background/support to your elevator pitch Powerpoint Or Poster Plus 3 minutes for Q&A
Kagoshima University© 2008, Jay A. SmithPage 26 Presentation Types Business Presentation rule.html Science Talk see links in middle of page Poster Session dvice.htm dvice.htm
Kagoshima University© 2008, Jay A. SmithPage 27 Kawasaki 1 minute to explain/introduce/catch Answer “so what” Know your audience
Kagoshima University© 2008, Jay A. SmithPage 28 Kawasaki 10 business presentation slides 1. Title & Mission phrase 2. (Situation &) Problem 3. Solution 4. Business Model (how to make money) 5. Magic (technology, approach) 6. Marketing & sales 7. Competition 8. Management Teach 9. Financials 10. Current Status, Future Timeline