Timber Wolves By: Max Kirpalani
Basic Facts The timber wolf is a mammal. This animal weighs 75 to 125 pounds. Lives for 7 to 10 years.
Habitat It lives in mountains in Europe. It lives in forests in Asia. It lives in meadows in North America.
Diet The Timber Wolf eats Sitka black tailed deer. The Timber Wolf eats deer. The Timber Wolf eats moose. The Timber Wolf eats elk.
Place in the food chain The Timber Wolf is a carnivore. The Timber Wolf is at the top of the food chain The sun gives the grass energy, the sheep and deer eats the grass, and the Timber Wolf eats it all.
Why is this animal endangered ? The Timber Wolves biggest enemy is man. Timber Wolves have been trapped, shot and poisoned because people fear that they present a danger to cattle and sheep. The are also getting killed for their fur.
Things you can do to Help!! Don’t shoot Timber Wolves Don’t poison them Don’t trap them
About The Author My name is Max Kirpalani. I live on Battenberg and Redwood Ave. I like spending my time playing hockey or soccer. My favorite animal is a Timber Wolf. I live in Ontario.
I hope you in enjoyed my presentation!