“Water-Soluble Vitamins” …and, today, Vitamin C
What do we know about this group? They dissolve in water…this has major implications for their nature. “In food, they easily dissolve away with cooking water.” So raw foods contain more vitamins. Also, the fresher the better.
“Only stay in body tissues for a few days.” This means that we need to achieve an average intake that meets our needs over a few days’ time.
It also means that we cannot get a toxic level of water-soluble vitamins through food. “Toxic levels can rarely happen through supplements.” Quote: If you take vitamins of the water-soluble vitamins, you may have the most expensive urine in town!
“Vitamin C” 200 years ago, more than 2/3 of the sailors on a voyage would not return. Not pirates or weather, but scurvy.
Why? On long voyages, fresh fruit and veggies were used up quickly, relied on grains and animals for the rest of the voyage. So the first nutrition experiment ever performed on humans was 250 years ago, to find a cure for scurvy.
Those with oranges and lemons were cured. 50 years for British navy to require lime trees on all ships! Hence, British sailors were mocked with the name limeys. “Vitamin C = ascorbic acid” (no-scurvy acid)
“Roles of Vitamin C” “Formation and maintenance of protein collagen require C” “Collagen is base for all connective tissues” Bones, skin, teeth, scar tissue, and tendons. Athletes need C!
An Antioxidant “oxidation = reaction to oxygen” “C protects substances in foods and the body from oxidizing” Like lemon juice on an apple. Immune system cells maintain high levels of C to protect themselves from free radicals.
The body recycles much C for reuse. So rather than using it once and excreting it, we use it many times. Blood, intestines, and others use C to prevent oxidation. We thought it might help with cancer and heart disease, but no luck. “Helps us absorb iron.”
“Deficiency” “Scurvy dental symptoms happen because of loss of collagen” loose teeth, red spots on skin, bleeding gums, weakness
In the U.S.? Deficiency is not common, but.. “Smokers and low incomes are at risk for deficiency.” Also alcoholics, elderly, infants fed only cow’s milk (Breast milk and formula have enough C for baby)
Toxicity Many people take huge supplements! Alteration of insulin response (diabetes) counteract anticlotting meds digestive upsets
Can it cure the common cold? Most tests say no. A few say it may reduce duration of a cold by a day Only if you get C every day Placebo effect may be there instead! Powerful belief that the treatment has healed you
“Food Sources” “Fruits and veggies” Not just oranges! Peppers, broccoli, grapefruit, sweet potatoes, strawberries “C can be lost by cooking and storage.” Eat local, fresh, and raw.