Amanda Fegan Lead Associate, NHS Institute Hugh Rogers FRCS Consultant Urologist Senior Associate, NHS Institute The Productive Operating Theatre Building teams for safer care
Film clip Introduction to The Productive Operating Theatre (From DVD in the TPOT foundation modules boxed set)
The perfect operating list
Getting started Visioning workshop
The perfect operating list Effortless for everyone Great team communication Quiet & smooth Fast but not rushed No glitches Safe, reliable care......building teams for safer care
Staff select the issues they want to be resolved
The Productive Operating Theatre aim: To improve 4 key dimensions of quality Value Team performance & leadership Safety & reliability of care Patient’s experience & outcomes
Development principles Co-production with 3 hospitals Starting small Combining strategies: staff empowerment lean thinking team working Testing prototypes and measuring impact
© Copyright NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement 2009
Programme Leader’s Guide Form the team Programme planning Running the visioning workshop
Executive leader’s guide Gather data and run trust board workshop Role of executive lead and steering group
Knowing How We Are Doing Team-working & staff wellbeing Patient experience & outcomes Safety & reliability Efficiency & value Early efforts More refined
Well organised theatre: 5S Typical before 5S Sort Simplify/Set in order Sweep & Shine Standardise Sustain Anaesthetic store after 5S
Well organised theatre Overstock in main store room (4 theatres) resulted in financial reimbursement of £27,500 Out of date stock in main store room (twin suite) valued at £9,385 Overstock in prep and anaesthetic rooms (2 theatres) valued at £10,400 Potential financial benefit for a twin theatre suite to make a ‘one-off’ saving of £24,150
Operational Status at a Glance
Team-working Who is the leader?
Pre-list team briefing
Problems avoided by Team Brief
Impact on culture (safety attitudes questionnaire) p<0.05
Briefing - Checklist - Debriefing Briefing: WHO surgical safety checklist ‘Sign in’ Time out (pre-op pause) ‘Sign out’ De-briefing
Local adaptation of time-out
Hierarchy of interventions for efficiency
Session utilisation Over 8 weeks: Cost of cancelled, unused sessions £31,746 Cost of extra sessions £81,664
Session Utilisation Mean – 90% Mean – 99%
Number of waiting list initiative sessions TPOT meeting reviews data
Informed scheduling: Variation in procedure time and turn-round time Phaco-emulsification and intra-ocular lens insertion for cataract Procedure time Turn-round time
List utilisation Start, turnaround and finish times August 2008 June 2009
The ‘Perfect’ list ? List start time List end time Only worthwhile if it stops overruns, or adds more patients
Summary of key events & milestones
Summary of benefits Safety & team working Recovery: pain scores 35° to 98% Measurable increase in job satisfaction, team working climate and safety climate Consumables and equipment £10K one off stock reduction per theatre £9K annual saving per theatre on consumables Session and list utilisation Improved session utilisation from 90% to 99% with abolition of extra sessions 25 minute reduction in average start time, 63% reduction in average turnaround time 16% increase in touch time Overall gain for an average trust (estimated) approx £2 million per annum