The Union Jack.
If you hold a British passport, you are from England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. Yes, I am.
Someone from Scotland can represent GB in the Olympic Games. - Yes, he can.
A person from the Republic of Ireland is British. - No, he is not. He is from Ireland.
The capital of Wales is Swansea. - No, it is not. The capital of Wales is Cardiff.
The highest mountain in England is Ben Nevis. - No, it is not. Ben Nevis is Scotland.
The river which runs through Oxford and London is the Thames. - Yes, it is.
Which British country is not represented on the Union Jack? - Wales is not represented on the Union Jack.
1 - If you hold a British passport, you are from England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. - Yes, I am. 2 - Someone from Scotland can represent GB in the Olympic Games. - Yes, he can. 3 - A person from the Republic of Ireland is British. - No, he is not. He is from Ireland 4 - The capital of Wales is Swansea. - No, it is not. The capital of Wales is Cardiff.
5 -The highest mountain in England is Ben Nevis. - No, it is not. Ben Nevis is Scotland. 6-The river which runs through Oxford and London is the Thames. - Yes, it is. 7 -Which British country is not represented on the Union Jack? - Wales is not represented on the Union Jack.
No mistakes – “5” 1-2 mistakes – “4”
Draw your flag and describe it.