The United Kingdom
What is the official name of the country whose language you study? The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
How many countries are there in the United Kingdom? 4
What are the names of the countries which are in the United Kingdom?
Northern Ireland
What is the capital of the UK? London
What is the capital of England?
The capital of England is … London
What is the capital of Wales?
The capital of Wales is … Cardiff
What is the capital of Scotland?
The capital of Scotland is … Edinburgh
What is the capital of Northern Ireland?
The capital of Northern Ireland is … Belfast
What is the symbol of the UK?
The symbol of the UK is Britannia,
What is the flower symbol of England?
The symbol of England is a red rose.
What is the flower symbol of Wales?
The flower symbol of Wales is a daffodil.
What is the flower symbol of Scotland?
The flower symbol of Scotland is a thistle
What is the flower symbol of Northern Ireland?
The flower symbol of Northern Ireland is a shamrock.