Aqua Terra Tech: A Multiyear, Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Enterprise Working on Water Resource Development & Protection John S. Gierke, Ph.D., P.E., Advisor for Aqua Terra Tech Department of Geological & Mining Engineering & Sciences Geological Engineering 22% Civil Engineering 22% Environmental Engineering 56% MTU Enterprise Program Features: Started Fall 2005 Optional Curricular Paths* Participation can begin in sophomore year** 22 “Enterprises”, 3 involving BSCE & BSEnEs Projects are sponsored externally: Foundation support Grants & Contracts * Available to all engineering majors (minor, area concentration, or in lieu of “senior design”), increasingly some of the non-engineering majors have been adapting their curricula to allow their students to participate) ** Most join as sophomores, PDMC requires joining as first-year students Aqua Terra Tech Enterprise General Features and Expertise: Projects Predominantly Geo/Environmental Engineering in Nature Interdisciplinary Field Characterization Services: Geophysical Surveys Geologic Mapping Stream/River Characterization Aquifer Tests Computational Services: Surface Hydrology Groundwater Modeling Geographical Information Services Design Services: Water Wells Site Layout Pumping Systems Water Distribution Coursework Expertise (Collective) Water Collection & Wastewater Distribution Hydrology & Geohydrology Open Channel Flow Fluid Mechanics Professional Practice Geophysics Benefits: Student Recognition 2 Udall Fellows to date Various Scholarships & Internships University Recognition (National Design Competition Awards) Grant Opportunities Experienced Undergraduates for Research Activities More Engagement in Education for Faculty AND Students Fulfilling Mentor/Protégé Relationship Further Information: MTU Enterprise Program: Aqua Terra Tech: Pre-College ATT Establishing Apprentice Enterprises (e.g., Aqua Terra Tech at Cass Tech) New 2-year Funding from NSF Opportunities for Enhancing Diversity in Geosciences Program Silver River Watershed (Completed) 3-yr Funding from KBIC/EPA Field Characterization Hydrological Modeling Water Supply Development Boaco, Nicaragua Proposal Pending w/NSF Developing Global Scientists & Engineers Program Groundwater Exploration & Well Design Future: Water Treatment & Distribution Upgrade Curricula Differences (for Engineering Majors): YearSophomoreJuniorSenior Curricular Path Option FallSpringFallSpringFallSpring Capstone Design (6 cr.) Design I (3 cr.) Design II (3 cr.) Traditional (15-18 cr.) General Education (9 cr.) Elective (3 cr.) Elective (3 cr.) Elective (3 cr.) Free or Tech.Elec. (≥ 1 cr.) Elective (1-3 cr.) Project Work (6-7 cr.) 1 Credit 2 Credits2 Credit Area Concen- tration (≥ 15 cr.) Elective Enterprise Modules (~ 6 cr.) Teaming (2 cr.) Communi- cations (1 cr.) Elective Module(s) (1-3 cr.) Project Work (≥ 7 cr.) 1 Credit 2 Credits2 Credit Enterprise Minor (≥ 20 cr.) Required Enterprise Modules (≥ 4 cr.) Teaming (2 cr.) Communi- cations (1 cr.) Communi- cations (1 cr.) Elective Business Modules (≥ 5 cr.) Business Elective Module(s) (1-3 cr.) Free Elective Modules (≥ 4 cr.) Elective Module(s) (1-3 cr.)