THE WORLD BANK ____________ Managing Communications Expenses ____________ Partnering Firms: Rand Associates, Ltd. Connectivity Services, Inc.
2 A Partnership with 0ver 33 years of experience…. Rand Associates: Over 25 years experience in the application and management of communications related technologies. Connectivity Services: Full service telecom management firm established in Dedicated to providing cost effective telecommunication systems.
3 Connectivity Services, Inc. Connectivity Services, Inc. o Years of collaboration with “Best of Breed” Providers for Voice, Internet, Phone Systems o Carrier, Access, and Technology Neutral o Dedicated to Enabling Clients to Save on Consulting & Project Mgt. fees
4 Connectivity Services, Inc. Connectivity Services, Inc. Strategic Business Alliances (Partial List) : AT&TXO CommunicationsEurek MCICisco Avaya M5 (VoIP) SprintNortel DirecTVCingular Verizon NextelATT WirelessNYCEDC Rand JaymacIBG More..
5 Connectivity Services, Inc. Turn-Key Solutions
6 Connectivity Services, Inc. Connectivity Services, Inc. Expansion, Relocation & Restructuring Experts oPerform Needs Analysis oProcurement / Bid Coordination oInstallation and Project Management oCut-Over Supervision / Disaster Recovery Plan
7 Connectivity Services, Inc. Connectivity Services, Inc. Telecommunication Auditing Services oAnalysis of Past Voice, Internet and Data Charges oCross-Reference FCC & PUC Filings for Over-Billing oTest Lines for Usage and Other Over-Billing oNegotiate with Carriers for Client Credits oAsset Tracking & Management oEmergency Planning
8 Managing Communications Expense: oComplex oMultiple Sources / Multiple Formats oMultiple Contracts / Terms / SLA’s oAlways in State of Flux oAdditions / Deletions / Changes oMany Variable Elements oWaste and Error are Prevalent oNeed at least one bullet! oTypical Audit Approach is Inadequate oSnapshot – Not active management oHistoric – Not dynamic or predictive oLabor Intensive Frequently… Communication Management is the 3 rd largest non-payroll expense
9 Gain Control Today! oImpossible to Manage What You Can’t See! oComprehensive, dynamic information is essential oTraditional Audits - Costly and Inadequate oObsolete before completion oDo not impact future planning oActive Management Requires Comprehensive, Integrated Tools That Enable You to: oAudit oTrack oPlan oManage
10 Cost Reduction Opportunities oBill Auditing oBill Management oCost Allocation oContract Management oCommunications Inventory Management oService Level Agreement Management oNetwork Management oUsage Management oService Procurement / Negotiation with Providers
11 Benefits of Active Management Systems oGather Complex Data oIntegration with Provider Billing and Network Management Systems oManage the Data: oComprehensive / Flexible Database oMake it Accessible: oFlexible Reporting oUser Friendly Web Interface Automation Is Key
12 Our Expertise oPlatform Selection oContract Negotiations oDesign the System oAppropriate Modules oDesired Reports oManage the Implementation oInterface with World Bank, Software Vendor, and Providers to build database oProvide Ongoing Database Maintenance
13 Action Steps oWorld Bank Management Meeting oPresent Credentials oReview Current Billing Process and Audit Approach oUnderstand Current Issues (If Any) oObtain Permission to Submit Proposal oDevelop and Present Proposal oScope of Work oProject Approach oRoles and Responsibilities oDeliverables oTimeframe(s) and Cost