Upgrading of sewage treatment plants Rationale : End- of pipe approach to reduce environmental loads of „microcontaminants“ including EDCs Approach: Installation of a fourth wastewater treatment step (sand filter plus ozonation) Verification: Accompanying monitoring studies (toxicological and ecological parameters) to assess whether the upgrading of the sewage treatment plants leads to improved ecologcial status of the receiving waters Switzerland: Policy/regulatory developments
FIWI04/TW Research (examples): increasing focus on pesticides Moschet et al. Environ Sci Technol, 2014 EAWAF`G study highlights the „streetlight symptome“ Statements on environmental conta- miantion depend on the study efforts
FIWI04/TW Research (examples): increasing focus on non- reproductive effects of EDCs Avdersity according to WHO/IPCS 204: A change in morphology, physiology, grwoth, reproduction, development or lifespan of an organism, which results in impairment of functional capacity Or Impairment of capacity to compensate for additional stress or increased susceptibility to the harmful effects of other environmental influences
Endocrine disruptors Development, growth ReproductionNeuronal/neuro- sensory system immune system Metaboic disorders EDCs may affect many more physiological target systems than sexual functions
10 4 bacteria 10 6 bacteria Project MODELKEY/Wenger et al 2011 Example: estrogen exposure increase susceptibility of fish to pathogens
PNEC 0.35 ng L -1 Intersex fish 4 ng L -1 Fish population crash in experimental lake: 5-6 ng L -1 Immunosuppression 3 ng L -1 Vitellogenin in male fish, reduced fertility 1-2 ng L -1 Reduced growth 1-2 ng L -1 Effect thresholds of reproductive and non-reproductive effects appear to be in the same range