Army SBIR Overview TEXAS SBIR/STTR Summit & Conference 19 January 2012 M. John Smith Program Manager M I S S I O N The Army SBIR program is designed to provide small, high-tech businesses the opportunity to propose innovative research and development solutions in response to critical Army needs. V I S I O N To be the Army’s premier source of innovative technology solutions, providing direct access to America’s high-tech small business research and development community, enabling our Soldiers deployed around the world.
What is SBIR? A congressionally mandated program… Across Federal Government (DoD, DoE, DHS, DoT, etc…) Title 15 USC, Sec % of Army’s FY12 RDT&E budget ($182M) Increase small business participation in federally funded R&D Transition Federal R&D into: – Government Programs – Industry Initiatives Across Federal Government (DoD, DoE, DHS, DoT, etc…) Title 15 USC, Sec % of Army’s FY12 RDT&E budget ($182M) Increase small business participation in federally funded R&D Transition Federal R&D into: – Government Programs – Industry Initiatives Army wide: 2 AMC, Research Development and Engineering Command (RDECOM) Army Test and Evaluation Command (ATEC) CoE, Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) MEDCOM, Medical Research and Materiel Command (MRMC) Space & Missile Defense Command (SMDC) DA G1, Army Research Institute (ARI) Army Program Executive Offices (PEOs) AMC, Research Development and Engineering Command (RDECOM) Army Test and Evaluation Command (ATEC) CoE, Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) MEDCOM, Medical Research and Materiel Command (MRMC) Space & Missile Defense Command (SMDC) DA G1, Army Research Institute (ARI) Army Program Executive Offices (PEOs) DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. 2
Transition is technology maturation from SBIR investment to Non-SBIR government and/or commercial investment and ultimately into the hands of our Soldiers. Output to Field Soldier Critical Needs R&D / Innovation / New Capability S&T Challenge Areas (TEC-D assist) SID-TFT Capability Gaps / TAIs TRADOC TIEs, WFOs PEO Roadmaps/T2 Initiatives Soldier Critical Needs R&D / Innovation / New Capability S&T Challenge Areas (TEC-D assist) SID-TFT Capability Gaps / TAIs TRADOC TIEs, WFOs PEO Roadmaps/T2 Initiatives Phase I Phase II Soldier Solutions Increased Operational Capabilities Army Program of Record ACAT I-IV Integration Soldier Solutions Increased Operational Capabilities Army Program of Record ACAT I-IV Integration Input from Field Topics Transition Non-SBIR Funds Government Industry Transition Non-SBIR Funds Government Industry Product: Feasibility Study A short term effort to determine viability of a topic solution (6 months, $100K) 3000 proposals, 300 Ph1 awards (10%) Product: Feasibility Study A short term effort to determine viability of a topic solution (6 months, $100K) 3000 proposals, 300 Ph1 awards (10%) A Technology Requirement Written by Army Scientists & Engineers across Army Labs, R&D Centers and PEOs in response to Soldier’s Needs A Technology Requirement Written by Army Scientists & Engineers across Army Labs, R&D Centers and PEOs in response to Soldier’s Needs Army SBIR Small Business Innovation Research Fast Track $50K Fast Track $50K ARMY SBIR Life Cycle Phase III Commercialization Pilot Program (CPP, $500K-$1.0M) Phase II Enhancements (Ph2-E, $500K-$1.0M) Commercialization Pilot Program (CPP, $500K-$1.0M) Phase II Enhancements (Ph2-E, $500K-$1.0M) Product: Prototype Creation of a prototype to validate & mature the topic solution (2 years, $1.0M) 150 Ph1s Invited & Awarded Contracts (5%) Product: Prototype Creation of a prototype to validate & mature the topic solution (2 years, $1.0M) 150 Ph1s Invited & Awarded Contracts (5%) Transition
Recent History Budget ($M) $228$233$243 $270$265$244 # Topics # Phase I Proposals Received 3,5004,5033,7943,1423,1103,4493,241 # Phase I Contracts # Phase II Contracts # Phase II Enhancements Funds Invested ($M) 10 $5 32 $19 34 $16 # CPP Projects Funds Invested ($M) 25 $15
ARDEC. PEO-Ammo Picatinny, NJ NSRDEC Natick, MA AMRDEC - Aviation Fort Eustis, VA AMRDEC - Missiles, SMDC,PEO-Aviation, PEO-Missiles&Space Huntsville, AL STTC (ARL), PEO-STRI Orlando, FL CERDEC, PEO-C3T, PEO-EIS, PEO-IEW&S APG, MD TARDEC, PEO- CS&CSS, PEO-GCS Warren, MI ARO (ARL) Raleigh, NC Headquarters RDECOM – Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD AMRDEC – Aviation & Missile Research, Development & Engineering Center AMSAA – Army Material Systems Analysis Activity ARDEC – Armaments Research, Development & Engineering Center ARL – Army Research Lab ARO – Army Research Office CERDEC – Communication - Electronics Research, Development & Engineering Center ECBC – Edgewood Chemical Biological Center NSRDEC – Natick Soldier Research, Development & Engineering Center STTC – Simulation and Training Technology Center TARDEC – Tank and Automotive Research, Development & Engineering Center Organization 2011 Topic Allocations ARI2 ARL13 AMRDEC (A)9 AMRDEC (M)9 ARDEC13 ATEC3 CERDEC24 ECBC2 ERDC8 MRMC16 NSRDEC9 SMDC5 STTC2 TARDEC12 PEO AMMO2 PEO AVIATION2 PEO C3T2 JPEO-CBD2 PEO CS&CSS2 PEO EIS2 PEO GCS2 PEO IEW&S2 PEO M&S2 PEO SOLDIER2 PEO STRI2 PEO Integration2 Total150 ARI McLean, VA PEO-Soldier, Fort Belvoir, VA ERDC Vicksburg, MS Topic Author Organizations ARL Adelphi, MD MRMC Ft Detrick, MD HQ RDECOM (APG, MD) ECBC APG, MD ATEC, AMSAA APG, MD
SBIR Program Coordinators SBIR Program Office Headquarters RDECOM John Smith – Program Manager John Pucci – Operations Manager Wanda Deans – Business Manager SBIR Program Office Headquarters RDECOM John Smith – Program Manager John Pucci – Operations Manager Wanda Deans – Business Manager RDECOM AMRDEC (A) Vacant AMRDEC (M) Dawn Gratz - Lead Buddy Thomas ARDEC Carol L’ Hommedieu - Lead Ben Call ARL Mary Cantrill - Lead Nicole Fox - ARO Laurie Younger – ARO-STTR Thao Pham – STTC CERDEC Pat Thomas - Lead ECBC Martha Weeks - Lead Dhirajlal Parekh NSRDEC-Natick Arnold Boucher - Lead Cathy Polito TARDEC Martin Novak - Lead RDECOM AMRDEC (A) Vacant AMRDEC (M) Dawn Gratz - Lead Buddy Thomas ARDEC Carol L’ Hommedieu - Lead Ben Call ARL Mary Cantrill - Lead Nicole Fox - ARO Laurie Younger – ARO-STTR Thao Pham – STTC CERDEC Pat Thomas - Lead ECBC Martha Weeks - Lead Dhirajlal Parekh NSRDEC-Natick Arnold Boucher - Lead Cathy Polito TARDEC Martin Novak - Lead ERDC Theresa Salls ERDC Theresa Salls ATEC Nancy Weinbrenner Michael Orlowicz ATEC Nancy Weinbrenner Michael Orlowicz MRMC James Myers MRMC James Myers LIA* Vince Marinelli LIA* Vince Marinelli PEOs PEO Ammunition Vince Matrisciano PEO Aviation Dave Weller PEO C3T Angel Pomales-Crespo Bob Golden PEO GCS Bill Gable Peter Haniak Jose Mabesa PEO Missiles & Space George Burruss PEOs PEO Ammunition Vince Matrisciano PEO Aviation Dave Weller PEO C3T Angel Pomales-Crespo Bob Golden PEO GCS Bill Gable Peter Haniak Jose Mabesa PEO Missiles & Space George Burruss PEOs PEO CS &CSS Heather Gruenewald PEO EIS Hari Bezwada Rajat Ray Kathleen Fenk PEO IEW&S Todd Simkins PEO Soldier Todd Wendt PEO STRI Robert Forbis PEOs PEO CS &CSS Heather Gruenewald PEO EIS Hari Bezwada Rajat Ray Kathleen Fenk PEO IEW&S Todd Simkins PEO Soldier Todd Wendt PEO STRI Robert Forbis SMDC Denise Jones SMDC Denise Jones TRADOC* Albert Crane TRADOC* Albert Crane * LIA and TRADOC are Stakeholders but do not award any SBIR contracts
Purpose: To accelerate the transition to a useable technology. Provides SBIR funding to Ph2-E and CPP firms during their open Phase II contract (Contract Modification). How? – Ph2-E and CPP candidates are identified by the project’s Program Coordinator (PC) or Contracting Officer Representative (COR), with PMO Support Staff (TAA) assistance – The PC/COR compiles documentation needed for PMO to make a determination. – Generally SBIR Ph2-E/CPP funding will not exceed $1.0M per request and funding is subject to availability and a deliberate approval process. – Matching funds from transition partners is strongly encouraged Activities funded: – Further Research and Development and Technology Maturation – Modifying and testing prototypes developed during Phase II – Other activities that facilitate the transition of the project to Phase III Phase II Enhancements (Ph2-E) and Commercialization Readiness Program (CRP) 7
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