Marine Mammals Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order Pinnipedia Family Phocidea Family Otariidae Family Odobenidae Order Carnivora Order Sirenia
Order Pinnipedia “Pinnipeds” Seals, sea lions, and walruses Debated whether it is its own order Evolved from terrestrial carnivores thus sometimes put in Order Carnivora
Order Pinnipedia All are carnivorous predators feeding mostly on squid and fish Specialized streamlined body aids in swimming
Keeping Warm Thick layer of blubber acts as insulation and as a food reserve Also have bristly hair to aid in warmth
Family Phocidea “True or Earless Seals” No external ears Flippers covered in fur Hind flippers cannot be turned forward under the body for use in terrestrial motion Moves on land by wiggling like a catapillar
Family Otariidae “Eared Seals” Sea Lions and Fur Seals Visible external ears Flippers are hairless Hind flippers can be placed under body for awkward locomotion Longer front flippers
Sea Lion vs. Seal
Family Odobenidae “Walruses” Tiny external ears Tusks on male and female adults Flippers are hairless Can turn hind flippers under body for locomotion
Order Carnivora Sea Otter Smallest marine mammal Lacks a layer of blubber Stays warm by trapping air in its dense fur
Order Carnivora Eat ¼ their body weight every day Use tools to open hard crustaceans and mollusks they eat
Order Carnivora Polar Bears Semi-aquatic Feed primarily on seals
Order Sirenia Includes Manatees and Dugongs “Sea Cows” Closely related to elephants Named after mermaids
Sirenians Move by moving tail up and down Well-padded with blubber A few scattered hairs
Sirenians Live in groups Only strict vegetarians out of the marine mammals Feed on seagrasses Very low numbers as they were hunted for meat and reproduce slowly Extinct Stellar’s Sea Cow