C URRENT M EDICAL I NDUSTRY 32 million Americans are taking three or more medications daily. Almost 29% of Americans stop taking their medicine before it runs out. 22 % of Americans take less of the medication than is prescribed on the label. 23 % of all nursing home admissions are due to patients failing to take prescription medications accurately. Up to 59 % of those on five or more medications are taking them improperly. In 2000, 43 % of those who ended up in hospital emergency rooms from drug overdoses were there because of misusing prescription drugs More than 17 % of adults over 60 abuse prescription drugs. The No.1 problem in treating illness today is patients' failure to take prescription medications correctly, regardless of patient age.
C URRENT H OME D RUG U SE Prescription is filled at drug store Instructions are printed on label Medication is placed in a medicine cabinet User is responsible for taking medication at appropriate times
C URRENT P ROTOTYPE Formerly used to dispense small machine parts Contains 120 slots for dispense tubes Pros: Working prototype Unique design Functioning Solonoids along with patent Cons: Bulky(doesn’t transport comfortably) Offers minimal security Circuitry and computer 5 years old
E-P ILL MD.2 An automated medicine dispenser Pros Automatically dispenses medicine in plastic cups at preset times Has a reminder system Calls emergency contacts in case the medicine has not been taken Stores 3-4 weeks worth of medication Built in power backup Cons Limited security (locks/unlocks with key) Cups not recommended for re- use, must replenish at own expense Must pay for monitoring service Only holds pills Price: $ $919.95
M EDREADY An automated medicine dispenser that rotates at preset intervals to provide a new dosage Pros 28 doses Reminder system Cons Limited security (lock/unlock with key) Only holds pills Price: $ $289.95
MDG M EDICAL Pros: Each drawer holds one dose and strength of a drug Bar code printer/scanner enable accurate administration Touch screen computer keeps things organized Expiration date tracker Cons: Extremely bulky Only registered nurse can access medication
R EFERENCES ation.htmhttp:// ation.htm (Booth #5308)