1 1 The Oslo Group Objectives, working plan and collaboration with the LG Kristine E. Kolshus Division for Environmental Statistics Statistics Norway London Group meeting, New York, June 2006
2 Background Statistical Commission at its 36 th Session requested to organise an ad-hoc expert working group to: 1.Outline priorities for tackling the issues raised in the Program Review on energy statistics; 2.Identify the most appropriate fora to address these issues; 3.Report back to the Bureau of the Statistical Commission with an outline of specific mandate and recommendations with timetable.
3 Recommendation of the Ad hoc Expert Working Group: Establish a city group on energy statistics to tackle methodological issues – The Oslo Group Established May 2005 Chaired by Olav Ljones from Statistics Norway First meeting at Statistics Norway in Oslo 6-8 Feb 2006 Next meeting (India) – potentially autumn 2006 or first quarter 2007 Time frame for work plan is 5 years, 2005 – 2010
4 Objective of the Oslo group: To address issues related to energy statistics and Contribute to improved international standards and improved methods for official energy statistics by pooling expertise in the energy community.
5 Actions to reach objectives (1) To identify users' needs To define scope of official energy statistics To identify and collect national and international best practices To identify gaps in coverage (e.g. fuel types, flows) and to develop methodology to cover gaps
6 Actions to reach objectives (2) To adopt, link or develop bridges to international standard concepts and classifications in economic/environment statistics to facilitate the integration and interface of energy statistics with other statistical systems (for example the national accounts) To recommend a core set of tables as minimum requirement at national and international level to satisfy major user needs. To review and contribute to the updating of UNSD handbooks and manuals on energy statistics
7 UNSD manual on energy account (1982) To be established as a guide for primary energy statistics Also cover energy data in other statistics, like - National Accounts - Energy accounts/balances - Environmental statistics (emissions to air )
8 Organisation of the work Discussion groups 1. Crude oil, natural gas and petroleum products 2. Coal and coke 3. Biomass and waste 4. New and alternative energy sources 5. Principles and methods in Energy Balances An electronic discussion forum is being established at Statistics Norway's website (
9 The Oslo group and the SEEA 2003 rev Items to be covered by the Oslo group mainly related to chapter 4 in the SEEA manual: Issue 5 on Energy statistics and energy accounts Issue 6 on the link b/w energy accounts and the Kyoto protocol inventories Issue 7 on renewable energy accounts It is important for the Oslo group to be consistent with the SNA, SEEA and the needs for the Kyoto protocol.
10 The Oslo group and the London group Approaches of these two city groups in the energy area will not necessarily overlap. But, important to ensure consistency between definitions and classifications of flows and stocks. How does the London group think that the collaboration between the city groups should be organised?