EMTA General Meeting in Copenhagen, 19 April 2013 Espen Martinsen, Strategy Manager The Oslo Packages Experiences from tollring & car users contributing.


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Presentation transcript:

EMTA General Meeting in Copenhagen, 19 April 2013 Espen Martinsen, Strategy Manager The Oslo Packages Experiences from tollring & car users contributing to PT operations

Ruter: PT Authority for the Norwegian Captital Region Brødtekst -Nivå 2 Norway Population: 5 mill Gross domestic product per capita PPP EUR Unemployment rate 2,7 % Oslo + Akershus Population 1,2 mill 2 counties municipalities Ruter As established 2008 as a common PT authority PPP = Purchasing Power Parity.

«The Oslo Packages» Package # 1Package # 2Package # 3 Expansion of roads√ (20 % PT) √√ PT Infrastructure and rolling stock √√ PT Operations√ Years Total Investments11 billion NOK 1,4 bn EUR 17 billion NOK 2,3 bn EUR 90 billion NOK 12 bn EUR Funded by Car users (tollring), the state, the city of Oslo, the county of Akershus. As before, but also PT users. As before. (In addition, significant investments and upgrades of railway infrastructure in the region, financed by the state).

O3 infrastructure projects – some examples Parts of Oslo Ring road 3 in tunnel New E18 in west with seperate bus lines Construction of one new metro line (opens in 2016) Upgrades of existing metro lines New signalling system

Toll cordons as of April 2013 Cars charged only in one direction -driving towards the inner city. No period passes -But customers still only pays for 60 passages per month Same price 24/7. -Congestion charging has been discussed. NOK 13,50 1,80 € NOK 27 3,60 €


PT journeys is increasing PT passengers region PT passengers Oslo Vehichle km Inhabitants Car traffic region Car traffic Oslo 300 mill PT boardings in 2012 One of Europes fastest growing capitals Car traffic in Oslo still at 2007 level Index 2007 = 100

PT gaining market shares Public transportCarsBikesWalkingOther Weekdays, inhabitants 15y+, all journeys (Ruter MIS, Market Information System)

PT share of motorized traffic Weekdays, inhabitants 15y+, all journeys (Ruter MIS, Market Information System)

Increased public financing and introduction of O3 Akershus county / The city of Oslo / Total / Oslo Package 3 to PT Operations Million NOK 2012

Reasons for market success Reduced fares for monthly passes in 2008 Increased Toll Ring fares 2008 Car drivers pays for PT operations Common regional organization (Ruter 2008) Customer-driven development. Production moved in direction of larger markets. Increased frequency on major lines. “Bus-on-demand “ in regions. Brand new metro cars and commuter trains. One of the most modern bus fleets in Europe. Real time information everywhere. Mobile and smartphone solutions. (Weather?)

Opinons towards the toll ring Source: PROSAM 2011

Ruter’s Business Development Plan. - Premises for planning and development in Ruter. - Proposals to: City of Oslo Akershus County National Authorities Broad political agreement that PT should take the majority of the growth in motorised transport the years to come. And over the last years we have succeeded! K2012 – Planning for the future Perspectives towards 2060 Action programme 4 years Strategies towards 2030

Summary Sources: Ruter (MIS), Statens vegvesen (Vegtrafikkindeksen) og Fjellinjen (Annual Reports)