Emily Grindstaff
Boys Jacob Ethan Michael Alex William Josh Daniel Noah Anthony Girls Isabella Emma Olivia Sophia Ava Madison Abigail Rachael Samantha
Chinese Name English Name Class
I am 18 years old I am from Idaho. Idaho is right above California
I just graduated High School I am going to college to study American Sign Language ASL is used by deaf people so that they can communicate with each other Once I graduate I will be an interpreter for the deaf
I have three older sisters, I am the youngest All of my sisters are married and they all have kids I also have a mom and a dad and a cat My cat’s name is Oreo and she is mean
I love mashed potatoes, cinnamon rolls, and chocolate.
Back home I work at a pottery studio Pottery is making pots, bowls, anything out of clay on a wheel or by hand A pottery studio is a place where you make your own pottery and paint it.
I love Soccer! It is my favorite sport ever. I love to watch it, I love to play it, and I love to teach it.
I also like camping and swimming.
What are some of your hobbies?
Soccer Basketball Baseball Walking Talking Singing Drawing Learning Reading Gaming Writing Creating Dancing Cheering
So now we are going to get into twos and tell our partner about what we put on our paper and why
Draw a picture of what you did this summer. Put English words to tell what it is.
TVTV Me sun pool MeFriend
She sells seashells by the sea shore. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. Freshly fried flying fish.
Tell me about the student next to you