Reconciliation Man’s need before God
Reconciliation 1.Reconciliation is the means God has ordained to make peace between Him and man. 2.We need our sins removed. 3.We need to regain fellowship with God. 4.We need to find God’s favor 5.We need to escape God’s lawful judgment.
Atonement The Means of Reconciliation 1.The nature of Atonement is in the shedding of blood … Lev.17:11
Atonement The Means of Reconciliation The Law’s requirements 2.The sacrifice must be unblemished… Lev.22:19
Atonement The Means of Reconciliation The Law’s requirements 3.Done by appointed priests... 1 Samuel 2:28
Atonement The Means of Reconciliation Jesus as the Atonement, the sacrifice 4.Unblemished 1 Peter 1:19
Atonement The Means of Reconciliation Jesus as the Atonement, the sacrifice 5.According to the Law... Heb 9:22
Atonement The Means of Reconciliation Jesus as the Atonement, the sacrifice 6.As High Priest... 1 Pt 2:24
Atonement The Means of Reconciliation Jesus as the Atonement, the sacrifice 7.He removed God’s wrath and judgment 1 Jn 4:10
Atonement The Means of Reconciliation Jesus as the Atonement, the sacrifice 8.Jesus as God and Man... Phil 2: 5-8
Atonement The Means of Reconciliation Jesus as the Atonement, the sacrifice 9.Man to atone for man, us,... Heb 2:14
Atonement The Means of Reconciliation Jesus as the Atonement, the sacrifice 10. As God – to offer an infinite and satisfactory sacrifice to God Eph. 5:2b
Justification The Result of Atonement 1.We are lawfully righteous before God Romans 3: We are clothed in righteousness. Isaiah 61:10
Justification The Result of Atonement 3.We escape the judgment for God Romans 8:1 4.We are restored to fellowship with God 1 Thes 5:9-10
Justification The Result of Atonement 5.We are at peace with God Romans 5:1 6.We are reconciled to God 2 Cor. 5:19
Justification The Result of Atonement 7.We are righteous before God 2 Cor 5:21 8.We have access to God Eph 2:18 9.We have an advocate before God the Father 1 Jn 2:1