Brookings School District All Day Kindergarten Update Presentation Contains Projected Data
The Charge Propose Plan that allows the district to offer all-day, every-day kindergarten
The Challenge Find 5 classrooms Find $200,000
Current Policy – JECB/JECC Section III, 2.Elementary School Standards a - b a)When enrollment in grades K-5 reaches 22 students in any one class with a particular grade level, all other classes within that same grade level must also have 22 students before a 23 student may be added to any one particular class. This same concept must be applied to increase class size beyond 23 students. Assignment preference occurs for any student when their older sibling has previously enrolled and currently attends the school to which the student desires to attend. b)Classes exceeding acceptable size, as stated above, will be adjusted by the board where possible by requiring new enrollees to attend a school which has available space in that class. Students who are force transferred may not be changed for the remainder of the school year.
Proposed Change – JECB/JECC Section III, 2.Elementary School Standards a - d 2. To increase flexibility in student assignment and to increase parental choice, the district shall use the following guide to direct placement of elementary students: a. When a K-1 student population within a particular building exceeds a 24-1 student to teacher ratio, any new enrolling student may be force transferred to another building. b. When a 2-3 student population within a particular building exceeds a 26-1 student to teacher ratio, any new enrolling student may be force transferred to another building. c. When a 4-5 student population within a particular building exceeds a 28-1 student to teacher ratio, any new enrolling student may be force transferred to another building. d. No intra-district transfer request will be granted if the requested school’s student-to-teacher ratio exceeds 18 students to 1 teacher for the requested grade unless extenuating circumstances exist and must be approved by the superintendent.
Central Elementary Students Grade per GradeSectionsper Section Grade K 2 SDSU K 1 Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade
Hillcrest Elementary Students Grade per GradeSectionsper Section Grade K 4 Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade
Medary Elementary Students Grade per GradeSectionsper Section Grade K 4 Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade
District Wide Elementary Students Grade per GradeSectionsper Section Grade K 10 SDSU K 1 Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade
Changes Elementary FTE Fiscal Impact Grade JK Delete Program -0.5GF ($ 20,000) Grade K Delete 1 Section -0.5CR ($ 20,000) Add Full Day 5.0GF $200,000 Grade 1Add 1 Section 1.0CR $ 40,000 Grade 2Delete 1 Section -1.0GF ($ 40,000) Gifted Delete Program -1.0GF ($ 40,000) Effect 3.0GF $120,000 1 FTE Teacher – Approximately $40,000
Proposed Middle School Changes Changes will allow district to maintain the middle school concept into the future. This change places art, physical education, health, foreign language, industrial arts, life skills, keyboard and general music into something called a wheel. The wheel will allow each student to take one quarter (nine weeks) of each of the above named subjects.
Art – Proposal Current – Every middle school student takes one semester of art each year. Proposed – Every middle school student would take one quarter (nine weeks) of art each year.
Physical Education – Proposal Current – Every middle school student takes one semester of physical education each year. Proposed – Every middle school student would take one quarter (nine weeks) of physical education each year.
Health - Proposal Current – Every middle school student takes one semester of health each year. Proposed – Every middle school student would take one quarter (nine weeks) of health each year. Mr. Neiles anticipates revamping the health and physical education curriculums. This could possibly move some of the health into other classes and convert the remaining health curriculum into a wellness course which would occupy the spots currently titled physical education and health.
Foreign Language - Proposal Current – Every eighth grade student takes one semester of foreign language. Proposed – Every middle school student would take one quarter (nine weeks) of foreign language each year. We offer both Spanish and German and would like to have students exposed to both. Therefore, as an example of how to pull this off, we could place Spanish/German in the 6 th grade nine-week period and teach Spanish at 7 th and German at 8 th.
Industrial Arts - Proposal Current – Every seventh grade student takes one semester of Industrial Arts. Proposed – Every middle school student would take one quarter (nine weeks) of Industrial Arts each year.
Life Skills - Proposal Current – Every eighth grade student takes one semester of Life Skills. Proposed – Every middle school student would take one quarter (nine weeks) of Life Skills each year.
Keyboard - Proposal Current – Every middle school student takes one quarter (nine weeks) of keyboard per year. Proposed – No change.
General Music - Proposal Current – Every middle school student takes one quarter (nine weeks) of general music per year. Proposed – No change.
Other Electives Band – No change Orchestra – No Change Choir – No change.
Sixth Grade Team Current – 9 sections (one semester the team consists of 4 instructors who teach their core subject and reading and one semester the team consists of 5 instructors – the same 4 core teachers plus a reading teacher). Proposed – No change.
Seventh Grade Team Current – 10 sections (two teams consisting of 4 instructors who teach core subjects, 1 instructor who teaches reading and 1 instructor who teaches industrial arts. Proposed – 9 sections (one semester the team consists of 4 instructors who teach their core subject and reading and one semester the team consists of 5 instructors – the same 4 core teachers plus a reading teacher).
Seventh Grade Team Move industrial arts into the wheel. Reduces the team from 10 members to 9.
Eighth Grade Team Current – 10 sections (two teams consisting of 4 instructors who teach core subjects, 1 instructor who teaches foreign language and 1 instructor who teaches life skills. Proposed – 9 sections (one semester the team consists of 4 instructors who teach their core subject and reading and one semester the team consists of 5 instructors – the same 4 core teachers plus a reading teacher).
Eighth Grade Team Move foreign language and life skills into the wheel. Adds reading to eighth grade. Reduces the team from 10 members to 9.
Changes MS/HS FTE Fiscal Impact MS Lib Asst Delete Position -0.5GF ($ 20,000) Art PositionReduce Position -1.0GF ( 40,000) TA PositionReduce PE Ass’t -0.5GF ( 20,000) HS B. Dept.Reduce Position -0.3GF ($ 12,000) Effect -2.3GF ($ 92,000) ** 2 FTE TA equivalents were reduced but were calculated at.5 FTE each to compare with teacher FTE’s. Grade 8 reading position funded through deletion of MS PE Teaching Position.
Changes District Wide FTE Fiscal Impact Grade JK Delete Program -0.5GF ($ 20,000) Grade K Delete 1 Section -0.5CR ($ 20,000) Add Full Day 5.0GF $200,000 Grade 1Add 1 Section 1.0CR $ 40,000 Grade 2Delete 1 Section -1.0GF ($ 40,000) Gifted Delete Program -1.0GF ($ 40,000) MS Lib AsstDelete Position -0.5GF ($ 20,000) HS B. Dept.Reduce Position -0.3GF ($ 12,000) Art PositionReduce Position -1.0GF ( 40,000) TA PositionReduce PE Ass’t -0.5GF ( 20,000) Effect.7 28,000 ** 2 FTE TA equivalents were reduced but were calculated at.5 FTE each to compare with teacher FTE’s.
Total Net Cumulative Effect 1 FTE Teacher – Approximately $40,000 Budget Increase.7 FTE$28,000 Note: $20,000 comes from federal sources
Facility Changes to Accommodate Full Day Kindergarten Central Fiscal Impact on Capital Outlay JK Room Becomes Kindergarten Room $0
Facility Changes to Accommodate Full Day Kindergarten Hillcrest Fiscal Impact on Capital Outlay Computer Laboratory Becomes Art Room $5,000 Title I Reading Room Becomes Kindergarten Room $0 Art Room Becomes Kindergarten Room $0 Stationary Computer Lab Becomes Mobile Lab $25,000
Facility Changes to Accommodate Full Day Kindergarten Medary Fiscal Impact on Capital Outlay Computer Laboratory Becomes Special Education Center $5,000 Special Education Room Becomes Kindergarten Room $0 1-2 nd Grade Room Becomes Kindergarten Room $0 Special Education Room Becomes 1 st Grade Room $0 Stationary Computer Lab Becomes Mobile Lab $25,000
Facility Changes to Accommodate Full Day Kindergarten District Wide Fiscal Impact on Capital Outlay Miscellaneous Equipment for New Kindergarten Room $40,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED CAPITAL OUTLAY COSTS FOR FULL DAY KINDERGARTEN $100,000
Facility Changes to Accommodate Implementation of Wheel Concept at the Middle School Remove wall between two art classrooms to make one large art classroom Capital Outlay Costs $15,000
Estimated Capital Outlay Costs to Implement Full Day Kindergarten and MS Wheel Concept: Full Day Kindergarten MS Wheel Concept $100,000 $ 15,000 Total Capital Outlay Cost $115,000
General Fund Budget Cuts FTE = $35,000 (approx) 1.00 FTE -- MS Vocal Instructor$35, FTE -- MS Physical Education/Health Instructor$35, FTE -- MS Art Instructor$17, FTE -- Elementary Keyboard Instructor$35, FTE -- Central Library Assistant$ 8, FTE -- Central Non-Graded Teacher Assistant$ 8, FTE -- Central Non-Graded Instructor / Teacher Assistant$28, FTE -- Hillcrest Library Assistant$35, FTE -- Medary Library Assistant$35,000 TOTAL $238,000
General Fund Budget Cuts FTE = $35,000 (approx) 0.20 FTE --Central Physical Education$ 7, FTE -- High School Gifted$ 7, FTE -- High School 504 Assistant$ 3, FTE -- Central Guidance$ 7, FTE -- High School$70,000 Staff Development/Travel$ 4,300 Improvement of Instruction $10,000 Title VI District Funding$ 5,500 Title IV District Funding$16,000 Supplies$ 9,000 Co-curricular$15,500 Eliminate Payments for Interest Sessions$30,000 Eliminate Drivers Education $31,500 Eliminate District Title I Funding $75,000 Eliminate One Bus Route $ 6,500 TOTAL $297,800
General Fund Budget Cuts FTE = $35,000 (approx) 1.00 FTE -- High School$35, Staff Development Director$14,000 Staff Development/Travel$ 3,500 Curriculum Development$ 2,000 Supplies$11,000 Co-curricular$19,000 Eliminate Mid-Day Transportation for Kindergarten$17,000 TOTAL $101,500
General Fund Budget Cuts FTE = $35,000 (approx) Staff Development/Travel$ 2,950 Curriculum Development$ 2,000 Supplies$11,000 Co-curricular$15,500 TOTAL$31,450
General Fund Budget Cuts FTE = $35,000 (approx) 1.00 FTE -- High School$35, FTE -- Middle School Reading$35, FTE -- Middle School Physical Education/Heath Instructor$35, FTE -- Central Elementary Instructor$35, FTE -- Middle School Music Instructor$26,250 TOTAL $166,250
General Fund Budget Cuts FTE = $35,000 (approx) 1.0 FTE High School IA$ 35,000
Previous Cumulative General Fund Cuts from FTE x 35,000$582,750 Other$287,250 TOTAL CUTS$870,000