Last update 27 May 2006
Content About us Interest & Presence Our Mission Our Goals Structure Achievements Memberships Membership benefits Membership Types Membership Fees Current Members (Operational only) To be a member
About Us
Interest & Presence Arab Regional ISPs & DSPs Association (ARISPA) is non profit organization acting in the interests of Internet & Data Communications Services providers in the Arab region. ARISPA is an independent official entity registered under the Council of Arab Economy. ARISPA General Secretaries office is in Dubai.
Our Mission Our Mission is to support members in their business developments, increasing profit, and increasing internet use.
Our Goals Business Development Increase business opportunities Knowledge transfer (regionally and internationally) Education Services Standardization Local and international exhibitions participation Finding partners Increase Profit for Members Resource sharing HW and licenses discounts Education discounts Increase Internet Use in Arab Countries Awareness Education Researches Contents and Services
Structure General Assembly Board of Directors General Secretariats Executive Committees
Done Tasks Signing the new ARISPA Law. (5 th April 2006, Damascus) Singing the new ARISPA Law from the members means that the Association (to be registered under the Council of Arab Economy) has been established. A request for approval from Council of Arab Economic Unity has been sent. Arab-Knowledge-Transfer Technical Workshop. (4-5 April 2006, Damascus) Arab-Knowledge-Transfer Business Workshop (14 Dec 2005, Beirut).
Under Process Tasks Introduction to international companies. Arab Peering Project. Arab Roaming. Presenting some strategic business deals to member. Studying Strategic Business deals for members.
Members Benefits Increase business opportunities. Knowledge transfer (regionally and internationally). Education. Services Standardization. Local and international exhibitions participation. Help in finding partners. Resource sharing. HW and SW licenses discounts. Education discounts.
Membership Types Operating: any Arab Internet or Data Communication Services providers (ISPs or DSPs) can be apply for this memberships. This is the only type of membership that allow the member to vote. Affiliated: any Arab technology company related to ISPs or DSPs business. Supervising: Council of Arab Economic Unity (CAEU), and Arab organizations and specialized Arab organizations - each in the field of the specialization thereof.
Membership Fees Operating Membership: $4000 / financial year. Affiliated Membership: $2000 / financial year. Supervisory: Free. The financial year ends in 31 st of Dec for each year.
Operating Members
To be a member
Procedure * Fill the membership form. Sign and stamp the ARISPA Law. Deposit slip of $100 (non refundable) as applications fees. Send all the above to our ARISPA General Secretariats head office in Dubai. Please find ALL needed documents in Your company has to be ISP, DSP, or business related to ISP and DSP businesses.
more information … Abdulaziz S. Al-Helayyil ARISPA Assistant Secretary General Tel (1) / Ext 1210 Mobile : +966 (5) FAX : +966 (1)