Describing The Kingdom Luke 13:18-21
We know what “religion” is like. Emphasizes salvation by human achievement… Preaches but never repents… Points out everyone’s problems, but never helps… Talks big and bold but are really cowards… Uses selective theology and make up rules… Has a “cause” that reigns supreme even over Jesus… Has a goal that everyone should become like them…
Luke 13: He said therefore, “What is the kingdom of God like? And to what shall I compare it? 19 It is like a grain of mustard seed that a man took and sowed in his garden, and it grew and became a tree, and the birds of the air made nests in its branches.”
Ezekiel 17:22–23 22 Thus says the Lord God: “I myself will take a sprig from the lofty top of the cedar and will set it out. I will break off from the topmost of its young twigs a tender one, and I myself will plant it on a high and lofty mountain. 23 On the mountain height of Israel will I plant it, that it may bear branches and produce fruit and become a noble cedar. And under it will dwell every kind of bird; in the shade of its branches birds of every sort will nest.
Ezekiel 17:24 24 And all the trees of the field shall know that I am the Lord; I bring low the high tree, and make high the low tree, dry up the green tree, and make the dry tree flourish. I am the Lord; I have spoken, and I will do it.”
Sunday, Jan. 15, 2012 ● 6:30—9:00PM Grace Community Church 2707 Dubuque St NE, North Liberty Multiple local churches ● FREE Childcare provided on site Come see what all the excitement is about! Perspectives: Check Out the First Class For FREE!
Contrasting Kingdoms Kingdom of MeKingdom of God Relationships Church Culture What will I gain or lose if I engage this person? How can I bring glory to God by engaging this person? What will I gain from this church community? How can I add to this community of faith? What can I take from this culture? How can I influence and serve this culture?
Luke 13: And again he said, “To what shall I compare the kingdom of God? 21 It is like leaven that a woman took and hid in three measures of flour, until it was all leavened.” Justification – Sealed and saved by Spirit. Sanctification – Made like Jesus through the Spirit.
Do you want transformation? You need the Holy Spirit… 1.You need to be Born Again - John 3 2.You need to be kneaded - Rom 8:26-29