A public service of
Why OPEN? Every child deserves an effective physical education program. Every teacher deserves access to the tools they need to be successful in a complex and shifting educational environment. That’s why OPEN is FREE and available to every teacher in every school – no strings attached. NO cost. NO obligation. Download. Print. Share. Contribute.
What is OPEN? OPEN is an outcomes-based physical education curriculum project. Its backward design is based on SHAPE America’s Grade-Level Outcomes. All files are delivered in both PDF and MS Word for unprecedented flexibility and customization. All activities and learning tasks are designed to ensure academic rigor in the physical education classroom.
What is OPEN? There are currently 7 complete learning modules available with additional modules to be completed by late summer. Elementary PE will be built out in 2015 to include learning modules covering all of the SHAPE America Grade-Level Outcomes. Development for Middle and High School will begin in late 2015, with documents being released early in 2016.
Curriculum – 7 Complete Modules What’s included in an OPEN Module? Module Overview Required Materials List Activity Plans Lesson Plan Tool Academic Language Cards Station Cards Self-Assessment Tools Teacher Evaluation & Reflection Guide
Join the OPEN movement! Visit and register for free. Immediately access and download over 500 pages of physical education resources. on Twitter for updates on what’s under development. Read the OPEN Blog for a weekly dose of professional development. Register for free OPEN webinars. Contribute to OPEN by using our activity templates to submit ideas and content.
Equipment Packs- 20 Total Packs
It’s FREE and available to every teacher in every school. Download. Print. Share. Contribute.
Available July 1, 2015! Key Features of the new Fitnessgram2015: Improved usability and consolidation of FITNESSGRAM, ACTIVITYGRAM and NUTRIGRAM Easily accessible resources including physical education staff development modules New dashboard with instant access to student and class data Numerous prepopulated reports with options for users to customize and filter The application is now mobile friendly!
Funding Opportunities GO! Grant Opportunities SHAPE America Grant Opportunities Action for Healthy Kids Grants