Customizing Web Services for Cell Phone Users Murali Garlapati Sarma Upadyayula Naveen Tummala
Outline Introduction Motivation Problem Definition Architecture Applications Expected Results Conclusion and Future Work References
Introduction Developing an application which minimizes the distraction for the cell phone users. Jetspeed, Tomcat Server, WML portal programming used.
Motivation Minimize user distraction. Catering to the user’s intent. (proactive) Accessing the user preferred information on the go.
Problem Definition To develop a portal for customization of user interface i.e., user can define the look and feel of a page and the type of content displayed. To develop a context aware application which is aware of the user’s state, location and daily behavioral patterns.
Architecture Servlet Engine (Tomcat Server) Jetspeed Portlet API Turbine Mobile User Base Station
Portlet Design
Applications Displaying the user defined content. e.g.:stock quotes,scores etc. Event notifications e.g. : notify if the stock of Microsoft increases by certain value or air ticket deals Notifying the user based on the information in his schedule.
Results and Screen Shots Developing a customized portal as shown below.
Conclusions and Future work User distraction is reduced. Can cater to time critical issues. Extensible to PDA’s and other WAP enabled devices.
References entation.pdf ed.html