Wireless Services TC 310 June 2,2007
Why Regulate License Legacy Substituting Wireline Regulatory Parity Network Effects Interconnection Standards Causes Cancer
Making Wireless Work Last Mile Technology (generally) Central broadcast (radio) v. Cellular Interference Power/Battery Life Efficient reuse of frequencies Infrastructure investments Big costs. Fighting locals Upgrading tech, manage users
Categorizing Wireless Private Services (dispatch) For own communication needs Consumer Services General communication, common carriage Types of Licenses Cellular Personal Communications Service Specialized Mobile Radio
Early Regulation Limited Spectrum Allocation Competition through false duopoly ILEC gets a license Independent gets a license More competition with PCS and SMR All digital networks No duopolies Regulatory, near technological parity
Deregulating Wireless Technically a Common Carrier BUT forbearance keeps deregulated No tariffing, equal rates, entry requirements Allows for sweet deals like Bundling Sign a contract, get a phone Bulk Minutes Big business gets a break on minutes
States and Wireless States are generally preempted (Congress) Still have some power Terms and conditions Makes up intrastate communications, imposition a universal service initiative Petition FCC for authority to regulate rates ONLY if market fails consumers State Courts have power in these areas Reason why states upset about Verizon proposal
Interoperability Network effects Interconnection Standards Interconnection with wireline Rates controversy Transmission only
Cell Only Interconnection Allowed to use network Roaming Agreements Device Compatiblity Analog (good until Feb. this year) Digital Time Splitting (GSM, TDMA) Code (CDMA) Multiple Standards, one phone
Cell to Wireline Normally connect only to ILEC, transport Compensation for final switch use Actual Substitution, should reduce regulation Portability Port between cells Port between media E-911 Basic vs. better. Society wins
Why Just Phones? Wireless Internet not really a market yet Just an extension of service Wireless only Internet? Phone service traditionally regulated Wireless Different VoIP Different