Prepared By Jennifer A. Siefring Prepared For Dr. Helms ED
TABLE OF CONTENTS American Heritage People in Societies World Interactions Citizenship Rights & Responsibilities Democratic Processes Decision Making & Resources Science, Technology, and Society
INTRODUCTION The following web sites and activities will help students construct meaning and gain a better understanding of the state in which they live. They will learn about the land they live on, the people they share the land with, and the choices that affect the lifestyles and interactions of those people.
AMERICAN HERITAGE ACTIVITIES Students will research the Great Seal of Ohio and identify what the parts of the seal symbolize. In groups students will develop a seal for their city and write a brief explanation describing the parts of the seal.
A.H. ACTIVITIES CONT. Students will locate an old article from their local newspaper. The articles found will be based on certain key topics/terms given to the students. After reading the old article, students will write an “updated” version of an article that deals with the same topic. All updated articles will be compiled and published as a class newspaper.
A.H. ACTIVITIES CONT. Students will use the software, The Oregon Trail, to simulate lifestyles of early pioneers and to re- enact and encounter the same struggles of those pioneers.
A.H. ACTIVITIES CONT. In groups students will research Ohio’s symbols (flag, bird, flower, etc.). Groups will develop a visual aid for that symbol and present it to the class. All of the groups’ findings will be put together in a min-portfolio of Ohio. The portfolio can be used as a reference throughout the rest of the year.
A.H. ACTIVITIES CONT. Given a specific list of events, students will classify the particular time period in which the event occurred. Each student will be responsible for researching one event and identifying its time period. Then all events will be placed in chronological order on a timeline and the class will draw illustrations to accompany the events and text.
P.I.S. ACTIVITIES CONT. Students will research a famous Ohioan and make a mobile that describes at least 5 significant points about that person. Students will research the following aspects of Spain and China (food, clothing, government, family, education). They will select one of the aspects of both countries and compare and contrast it with that same aspect of the United States- using a Venn diagram.
P.I.S. ACTIVITIES CONT. Students will create a collage displaying a group of early Ohio settlers. Students will explore particular territories and their history, migration, economy, and population using the Ohio Public Library web site. ( Students will label various parts of a map where different cultures live.
WORLD INTERACTIONS ACTIVITIES Students will identify and label Ohio’s major landforms. A list will be provided to guide the students through their search.
WORLD INTERACTIONS ACTIVITIES CONT. Students will research historical places throughout the world that have influenced Ohio is some aspect. With those places in mind, students will create a travel brochure describing a little bit about each place and why it is historically significant. Students should choose at least 4-5 places. They may work in small groups of 2-3 students.
WORLD INTERACTIONS ACTIVITIES CONT. Students will identify what types of government exist in other countries. Along with a description students should include a country that currently practices that form. With the previous list in mind, the class will be divided into groups and each group will be assigned a different form of government to role play for the rest of the class.
WORLD INTERACTIONS ACTIVITIES CONT. Students will find current newspaper and magazine articles that discuss U.S. trade relations with other countries. The articles will be brought into class and discussed to complement what the text has to say about our trading techniques and procedures.
DECISION MAKING & RESOURCES Teacherpathfinder.org Ofch.org
DECISION MAKING ACTIVITIES Given a list of items, students will identify each item as a want or a need and support their answer with a 1-2 sentence explanation. Given projected revenue and expected costs, students will create a balanced budget for the particular scenario that they are given.
DECISION MAKING ACTIVITIES CONT. Students will create their own individual political cartoons that express something included in the Bill of Rights.
DECISION MAKING ACTIVITIES CONT. Students will develop questions to interview a successful entrepreneur in their community. They will conduct their interview and share their answers with the rest of the class. In groups, students will invent and market a new product that will benefit society in some way. Students must create some sort of visual representation of this product, as well as a plan to sell the product.
DEMOCRATIC PROCESS ACTIVITIES Students will write a letter to a government official about an issue that they have strong feelings about.
DEMOCRATIC PROCESS ACTIVITIES CONT. Based upon what the students know about the 3 branches of government and the responsibilities of each, students will develop a chart or diagram displaying examples of the check and balance system that exists between the various branches.
DEMOCRATIC PROCESS ACTIVITIES CONT. Students, as a class, will select one topic to debate on. The class will be divided into political parties and groups will have to research what their political party feels on that particular topic and support their opinions with facts.
DEMOCRATIC PROCESSES ACTIVITIES CONT. Students will hold a mock election for various officers such as president, VP, secretary, treasurer. They will imitate the election process that the U.S. citizens use to elect our national officials.
DEMOCRATIC PROCESSES ACTIVITIES CONT. The students will identify government officials of each branch of government at the local, state, and national levels. Then they will be given scenarios that call for government to either make the laws, enforce the laws, or interpret the laws. Students will identify what branch and what level would likely encounter this situation.
CITIZENSHIP RIGHTS & RESPONSIBILITIES ACTIVITIES Students will compare different ballots used at the polls. They will evaluate the benefits and the weaknesses of these ballots. Based on their findings, they will develop an “error-proof” ballot to be used in the next election.
CITIZENSHIP R&R ACTIVITIES CONT. Students will discuss the Bill of Rights and develop their own Bill of Rights for the classroom. Students will develop questions for a survey on “What Makes a Good Citizen”, and conduct this survey to member of their family and/or community.
CITIZENSHI R & R ACTIVITIES CONT. Students will visit the web site and write a reflective journal entry on how they can participate in governing our nation.
CITIZENSHIP R&R ACTIVITIES CONT. Students will hold a mock trial in which all students will play a particular role. The goal is to show how difficult it is to enforce and interpret laws when it seems as though there are always 2 sides to the story.
SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, AND SOCIETY Ohiozoo.org ohv.index.html
SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, AND SOCIETY ACTIVITIES Students will visit the web site and click on “Today in History” to see what happened in different years on that same date Students will visit the site and take a tour through virtual museums.
SCIENCE, TECHNOLGY, AND SOCIETY ACTIVITIES CONT. Students will visit and select 5-7 places in Ohio they would like to visit. With a partner, they will plan a trip. Plan should include means of transportation, projected costs, where they will stay, and an itinerary or agenda.
SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, AND SOCIETY ACTIVITIES CONT. Students will visit the web site heartland.com and see how the level of technology in their lifestyles differs from their own. Students will visit the web site and prepare a 2-3 minute oral presentation on what they learn.
CONCLUSION After completing these activities and visiting the web sites, I feel that the children and the teacher will have a better understanding of our state. Students will learn how to find out additional information about Ohio as well as some historical background. These web sites and activities will help to create well-rounded citizens.