Translation Assistance Software Life Cycle Objectives Review Aneesa Awaludin Van Phan Jacob Huston
Operational Concepts Problem What: To create a system for assisting document translation and managing the translation process What: To create a system for assisting document translation and managing the translation process Why: To provide a user friendly workspace and to improve consistency in documents, between projects and between translators Why: To provide a user friendly workspace and to improve consistency in documents, between projects and between translators User Community: Translators, translation companies User Community: Translators, translation companies
Operational Concepts Benefits Time saving Time saving Ease of use Ease of use Improved consistency Improved consistency Non-goals Automated machine translation Automated machine translation
System Requirements Essential Features Phrase editor Phrase editor Provides structure for phrase translation from source to target languageProvides structure for phrase translation from source to target language Phrase dictionary database Phrase dictionary database Stores phrases in source and target languages as well as project metadata (project name, translator name, source and target languages, etc.)Stores phrases in source and target languages as well as project metadata (project name, translator name, source and target languages, etc.) Interface between the phrase editor and phrase database Interface between the phrase editor and phrase database Manages the querying and population of the databaseManages the querying and population of the database
User Interface
System Requirements Optional Features (time allowing) Anticipatory querying Anticipatory querying Automatic querying of the database based on word countsAutomatic querying of the database based on word counts Phrase ratings Phrase ratings System for tracking complete, incomplete and questionably translated phrasesSystem for tracking complete, incomplete and questionably translated phrases Online dictionary lookup Online dictionary lookup For words not appearing in the databaseFor words not appearing in the database Additional features for language learners Additional features for language learners
System & Software Architecture Client: Phrase Editor Extension / plug-in to the Open Office software suite Extension / plug-in to the Open Office software suite Server: Phrase Database mySQL or postgreSQL mySQL or postgreSQL Interface Programmed using the Open Office SDK Programmed using the Open Office SDK
Client Server Relation
Life Cycle Plan Why? Developed to aid translators Developed to aid translators What? Document translation and translation process management software Document translation and translation process management software Who and When? 6-8 very talented developers, 8 weeks 6-8 very talented developers, 8 weeks Essential features by week 6 allowing time for testing and additional features Essential features by week 6 allowing time for testing and additional features Stakeholders? Developers GPA, translators Developers GPA, translators
Feasibility Rationale Assumptions The ability exists to extend and develop plug- ins for Open Office The ability exists to extend and develop plug- ins for Open Office This software would be useful and/or marketable This software would be useful and/or marketable Risks Open Office may be difficult to be developed Open Office may be difficult to be developed Database may not scale without initial good design and/or proper maintenance Database may not scale without initial good design and/or proper maintenance