Econ 110 Principles of Microeconomics Welcome!
Dr. Anwar Al-Shriaan Economics Department Office hours: Monday and Wednesday 10:00 – 10:50 am and by appt.
Today Syllabus Intro to economics
What will we be studying? Eco 110 is the first economic theory course basic foundation of economics tools of discipline
Look at buyer and seller behaviour (markets) role of government in markets consumer choice producer behaviour determinants of income and poverty
Why have energy prices risen (fallen)?
Why does price control not work?
Is Microsoft a monopoly? Why do we care?
Is college worth the cost?
What causes the gender wage gap?
Why do airlines require a Saturday night stay for a low fare?
Course Materials Required: McConnell and Brue“ Economics“, 16th ed
Recommended course web site URL at top of the syllabus contains course information exam study guides TA’s
lecture notes PowerPoint slides
list I send about Announcements Course information Register your address online.
TA Check my website But please see me too!
Grading Policy Midterm 1 25% Midterm 2 25% Recitation 10% Participations 10% Final 30%
Grading Policy Letter grades will be assigned as follows: – % … A – % … A – % … B – % … B – % … B – % … C – % … C – % … C – % … D – % … D – 0.00 % … F
Grading Policy Your Final Grades: 1 st Mid + 2 nd Mid + TA + Part + Final. If Your Participation > 8.5 you will have Extra credits as follows: Your Final Grades: 20% X Max (1 st Mid, 2 nd Mid, Final)
Grading Policy Your Final Grades: 1 st Mid + 2 nd Mid + TA + Part + Final. If Your Participation > 8.5 you will have Extra credits as follows: Your Final Grades: 20% X Max (1 st Mid, 2 nd Mid, Final) 1 st Mid (25) 2 nd Mid (25) Part (10) TA (10) Final (30) Total B- 84%88%70% 86 B+
1 st Mid (25) 2 nd Mid (25) Part (10) TA (10) Final (30) Total C 60%68%90% 82.4 B-
1 st Mid (25) 2 nd Mid (25) Part (10) TA (10) Final (30) Total C 68%100% B- 86B+
final exam cumulative
Makeup's Usually I don’t do it planned absence: 1 week’s notice emergencies: case-by-case must be an excused absence! must be documented! makeup's may be essay exams or I may re weight other exams
Attendance regular attendance is expected you are responsible for information in class attendance is necessary to earn extra credit.
Please be respectful of your classmates be on time do not talk during lecture do not have your phone on
Cheating you cheat, I catch you, you fail the course programmable calculators (e.g. TI- 83),translators, phones, PDAs, etc. are NOT allowed in exams
Course Schedule in syllabus note exam dates, note the final exam date & time
Tips for success come to class with lecture notes to follow read the book!! weekly “look-through” ask for help ME or the TA or ME use available resources course web site
Why you should try to learn something in this course. Percentage of wage dispersion explained by skill factors. Huge variation in earnings of low vs. high-skilled college graduates
if you need special accommodations, see me if you are having problems in the course, see me sooner NOT later