In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth …
In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth When The Judges Ruled Israel
In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth Samson’s Downfall Judg 16:1-31 Nothing may be more disappointing than “unrealized potential” Something with great promise sadly ends up as an “empty shadow” Samson’s life could be described this way This chapter doesn’t match 13:8, 12
In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth Samson’s Downfall Judg 16:1-31 Samson & the Gazite harlot vv. 1-3 He had a weakness re: foreign women 14:1 This time, he was attracted to a harlot in Gaza (Philistine city) He visited her…committed fornication
In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth Samson’s Downfall Judg 16:1-31 Samson & the Gazite harlot vv. 1-3 The Gazites learned he was there…waited all night to ambush him at dawn v. 2 Samson stayed until midnight…after he left, he ripped up the city gates (doors & posts) and carried them on his shoulders to a mountain between Gaza & Hebron v. 3
In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth Samson’s Downfall Judg 16:1-31 Samson & Delilah vv The most well-known part of his story He “loved” a woman from the Sorek valley The Philistine lords bribed her to betray Samson by extracting his strength secret Delilah was all too eager to participate
In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth Samson’s Downfall Judg 16:1-31 Samson & Delilah vv Notice Delilah didn’t have to be threatened to participate…greed is indeed powerful Delilah would have received a fortune 5 Philistine lords Josh 13:3 1 Sam 6:4 1,100 pieces per lord was a large sum
In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth Samson’s Downfall Judg 16:1-31 Samson & Delilah vv Delilah’s enticing tactics vv She questioned Samson re: the secret to his strength, and how he might be bound and afflicted v. 6 Samson seemed to be amused by this… perhaps it became a “game” to him
In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth Samson’s Downfall Judg 16:1-31 Samson & Delilah vv Delilah’s enticing tactics vv We already know Samson is vulnerable to being worn down by a woman 14:16-17 Samson is “swimming with the sharks” He should have realized the danger he was in
In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth Samson’s Downfall Judg 16:1-31 Samson & Delilah vv Delilah’s enticing tactics vv Samson revealed “secrets” that weren’t really the truth…7 fresh cords (bowstrings) never dried…new ropes never before used…his hair woven in the web of the loom and fastened with the pin vv. 7, 11, 13
In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth Samson’s Downfall Judg 16:1-31 Samson & Delilah vv Delilah’s enticing tactics vv Each time Delilah “afflicted” him with these methods, Samson revealed his strength had in fact not left him vv. 8-9, 12, 14 Each time Delilah responded in frustration that Samson had deceived her vv. 10, 13a
In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth Samson’s Downfall Judg 16:1-31 Samson & Delilah vv Delilah’s enticing tactics vv Finally Delilah questioned his love for her… she pressed him daily until he was greatly annoyed vv He finally told her all that was in his heart… comments re: his Nazirite vow v. 17
In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth Samson’s Downfall Judg 16:1-31 Samson & Delilah vv Delilah’s enticing tactics vv She now knew Samson had truly told her all the contents of his heart She sent for the Philistine lords to come cut his hair First order of business Ù the money v. 18
In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth Samson’s Downfall Judg 16:1-31 Samson & Delilah vv Delilah’s enticing tactics vv She made Samson sleep on her “lap” v. 19 A dangerous place to be (worldly, seductive) A deadly place for the careless, naïve 1 Cor 15:33 Prov 5:1-6, :1, 5-27
In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth Samson’s Downfall Judg 16:1-31 Samson & Delilah vv Delilah’s enticing tactics vv A sad statement Samson…his strength left him v. 19b Believers can often lose God’s blessings when they aren’t aware of it through their carelessness and negligence
In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth Samson’s Downfall Judg 16:1-31 Samson & Delilah vv Samson is captured v. 20 When called upon to show his strength, he could not as he had previously done He was unaware God had left him (bigger problem than losing his strength)
In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth Samson’s Downfall Judg 16:1-31 Samson in Philistine custody vv They gouge out his eyes, take him to Gaza, bind him with bronze chains, and make him grind grain as if he were an animal v. 21 Such a sad disappointment than from what his parents had desired 13:8, 12
In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth Samson’s Downfall Judg 16:1-31 Samson in Philistine custody vv His hair began to grow back v. 22 A renewal of his Nazirite vow, or a Philistine over-sight? His hair was not the source of his strength… it only served as a representation of his vow to live a dedicated life to God
In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth Samson’s Downfall Judg 16:1-31 Samson in Philistine custody vv The Philistine feast vv House full of Philistine lords & ladies When they were intoxicated, they wanted Samson brought in for entertainment They made him stand between the pillars
In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth Samson’s Downfall Judg 16:1-31 Samson in Philistine custody vv The Philistine feast vv This position allowed Samson to strike one final vengeful blow against the Philistines He called on the Lord one last time He brought down the entire temple, killing himself & everyone inside (3,000)
In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth Samson’s Downfall Judg 16:1-31 Samson’s judgeship ends v. 30 His brethren from Dan come to get his body They bury it in his father’s tomb His tenure as “judge” lasted 20 years 15:20
In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth Some may take issue with how we have portrayed Samson in these lessons We have been “critically unfair”… especially given Heb 11:32 A chapter depicting great heroes of faith Inclusion in this chapter doesn’t mean nor imply perfection, or even “flawless character” Samson and Heb 11:32
In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth Was he immoral at times? Judg 16:1 Did he always live up to principles of his Nazirite vow? Judg 14:9, 10 16:17 Was he a man of great faith in God? He gave God credit for what he accomplished Judg 15:18 He believed God would strengthen him one final time Judg 16:28 Samson and Heb 11:32
In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth …