100,000 People converge on San Francisco’s Haight- Asbury neighborhood Area becomes the center”Hippie Movement” Area had been in decline so rooms were cheap and vacant! Performers such as Janis Joplin, Grateful Dead and Jefferson Airplane lived in the area
Poster advertising the 'Human Be-In' designed by Michael Bowen Was a happening in san Francisco in which 20, ,000 people attended Prelude to Summer of Love Focused the key ideas of the 1960s counterculture: personal empowerment, cultural and political decentralization, communal living, ecological awareness, higher consciousness (often achieved with the aid of psychedelic drugs), and liberal political consciousness Occasion was a new California law banning the use of LSD that had come into effect on October 6, 1966 A major speaker was Timothy Leary who advised young people to “Turn on, tune in, drop out” The Hell’s Angels babysat the kids! Owsley Stanley provided massive amounts of his "White Lightning"
Thousands heard about the Haight scene and began going to California (many during Spring Break) Exodus was inspired by two events: CBS Documentary on the “Temptation of the Hippie” Scott Mackenzie’s San Francisco” inspired thousands to “come to San Francisco” once school got out for the summer
Composed by John Phillips (of the “Mamas and the Papas) for the Monterey Pop Festival Made famous by Scott Mackenzie Reached #4 in US (#1 in Britain) Used by protestors in Prague Spring of 1968