Outcomes: To understand that living things react to the environment Living things live in different places where their needs are met To highlight living things require features to help survive their environment
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Living things have a variety of external features External features are unique and special to each living thing click here to continue
This Snow Fox, has white fur instead of red. For Elephants in the hot African climate, keeping cool is a constant challenge. Click on the fox or to discover how it uses its structural adaptation. Click on the elephant’s ears to discover how it uses its structural adaptation.
This Snow Fox, has white fur instead of red. This is an external feature to help them survive in their environment. The white colour of the fur camouflages the fox against the snow, protecting them against large predators.
For Elephants in the hot African climate, keeping cool is a constant challenge. An elephant’s ears are exceptionally good at picking up sound, but they are also used as a way of cooling down its massive body. When the temperature rises, elephants flap their ears. This cools it down. Click here to continue
An elephant’s trunk is a feature which helps them reach and gather food. An elephant’s ears are an adaption which helps it cool down in extreme heat. The elephant’s foot allows an elephant to walk in deep mud. An elephant's tusks are used to help dig and strip bark from trees and moving things out of the way. Click here to complete an activity on structural features
Can you guess which parts of the crocodile are external features which helps it survive its environment? S_ _ N E_ _ S T_ _ L T_ _ _ H Click the next slide when you have finished writing your answers.
Did you have? Skin Eyes Tail TEETH Well done!
Birds have a variety of external features
Living things live in different places where their needs are met.
A cactus is an example of a plant who has it’s needs met in it’s environment. Because the cactus stores water it needs a hot dry place to live. Some plants need cool conditions in order to survive. These ferns stay low to the ground in order to stay out of direct sunlight. Click on the cactus picture do a living things activity.
What living thing might live in this environment?
Maybe a duck, a turtle or a frog?
What living things do you think might live in this environment?
Which of these animals live in beach environment? Click on the red triangle in the pictures for your answer.
Click inside the plant’s mouth to find out more about living things needs.
Deveraux, J. (2007). Science for Primary and early years. Developing subject Knowledge (2nd ed.). London: Paul Chapman publishing. Hutchinson, A. E. (2000). Just eagles. Willow creek press. Mackenzie, P. (2001). About Elephants. Retrieved from Elephants: Maghee, K., & Mc kay, G. (2006). National Geographic Encyclopedia of Animals. National Geographic Children's Books. Parsons, J. (2000). Animal Encyclopidia. DK children. Plant encyclopedia od America. (2011). Retrieved from Plant encyclopedia: Plumb, A. (2002, Feburary 15). Adaptations of Living Things - Part 2. Retrieved from suite 101: The National Geogaphic. (2011). Photos and galleries. Retrieved from The National Geographic: Web Ring. (2007). Elephant tusks. Retrieved from Elephant conservation: