1.The list which river/rivers the four major River Valley Civilizations were located along. A. Egyptian Civilization - __________ River Valley B. Mesopotamian (Sumerians) - ________________ & _____________ River Valley C. Indian Civilization - _____________ River Valley D. Chinese Civilization - ___________ River Valley Nile Tigris & Euphrates Indus Yellow (Huong He)
2. These river valleys offered rich ________and irrigation water for ______________, and they tended to be in locations easily protected from ___________________ by nomadic peoples. Soil, crops, invasions 3. Because of better farming techniques, like ______________, most river valley civilizations had a surplus of food. As a result not every person had to work on farms which led to a _______________ of ______________. _______, specialization of Labor
4. _______________________________ was a form of writing that had symbols pressed into clay tablets. 5. “An Eye for An Eye” is used to describe one of the first code of laws. It is known as the __________ of _______________. 6. The Epic of ______________________ is one of the world’s first known pieces of literature.
7. The Phoenicians developed an _______________ to make the trading and selling of products easier.
8. The Hebrew’s were the first people who were _________________________. They only worshipped one god. 9. _____________________ was told by ___________________ to reject polytheism, travel to the east to the land of “Milk and Honey” and practice _____________________. 10. ___________________ is considered a Jewish prophet because he lead the Hebrews out of Egypt and slavery. This event is known as the __________________.
11. The ________________, which contains the written records and beliefs of the Jews, makes up the first 5 books of the Old Testament. 12. Moses received the _____________________ from Yahweh which state moral and religious laws people should follow. 13. The ___________________ was when the Babylonians enslaved the Hebrews and took them back to Babylon. When the Hebrews were finally freed from their Babylonian enslavement they scattered to all parts of the Middle East. This scattering is known as the _____________________.
The Egyptians (SOL 3b) 14. A _______________________is when the leader (Pharaoh/King) is the head of the government and religion. 15. ______________________ was the Egyptian writing that used symbols to represent _________________. 16. With the discovery of the _______________________________ by the French in 1798, archaeologist were able to read Egyptian writing. The Nubian Kush (SOL 3b) 17. The Nubian civilization was located on the __________________ Nile and traded _________, ivory, ebony, and ostrich feathers.
Indus River Valley (SOL 4b) 18. Physical barriers such as the _________________, the Hindu ________, and the _______________ Ocean made invasion difficult. 19. How do we know Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro were planned with a strong central government? 20. What is the name of the Indus River people writing?
Ancient India (SOL 4b) 1. The ____________ _________________is how people ranked in society and you cannot change where you are ranked in society (You are ____________ into your class). 2. Which ruler was responsible for the spread of Buddhism? 3. The Gupta Empire is also known as the ______________ Age of ____________ Indian culture.
Hinduism (SOL 4c) 4. Hindu’s believed in ________________ forms of _________ God. 5. The rebirth of the soul is known as ________________. 6. According to _______________, your actions (good or bad) will come back to you in this life or the next. 7. Religious philosophers wrote the _____________________ to add to the Vedas. These are known as the sacred _______________ of the Hindu religion.
Buddhism (SOL 4d) 8. Who was the founder of Buddhism? 9. Why would someone follow the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path? 10. Where is Buddhism the most popular religion?
China (SOL 4e, 4f) 11. Why was the Great Wall of China built? 12. The ___________ Road helped __________ and contact between China and other cultures as far away as Rome. 13. List the contributions of classical China. a. ___________ service system (hire people for government jobs based on ___________) b. ______________ c. Porcelain d. ___________
China (SOL 4e, 4f) 14. What was Confucius concerned with in society when he begin writing? 15. Which way of thought promotes humility, simple life, inner peace, and harmony with nature? 16. What does the yin and yang represent?
Persia (SOL 4a) 17. How did the Persians treat people and civilizations they conquered? 18. The main religion in Persia was ______________________, which is the belief of _____ opposing forces in the universe.