The class is stranded on a deserted island. The island is in the northern Atlantic and it is September. There are no other people or buildings on the island; however, there is vegetation. What are the first steps you would take to survive (Search for food? Find water? Build a shelter? What???) Why are these the first things you would choose? Get in groups of three. List in order what steps you would take to ensure the class’ future.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Abraham Maslow – 1943 – “A Theory of Human Motivation” Suggests that basic needs must be met before moving on to other needs Theory is usually illustrated with a pyramid – basic needs being at the bottom Maslow suggested that there is a definite order in which people attempt to satisfy their needs.
A person must satisfy basic (physiological) needs, such as food, shelter, clothing, before moving up the pyramid to concentrate on other needs. Hierarchy of Needs: 1. Physiological Needs (vital to survive) – food, drink, shelter 2. Safety Needs – security, order, protection, family stability 3. Love Needs (Social) – affection, group affiliation, need for belonging, friends/family
4. Esteem Needs – (after 1 st three needs are met, esteem needs become important) Self- respect, prestige, reputation, social status, confidence, personal worth 5. Self-Actualizing Needs – Highest level of needs – self-fulfillment, self aware, achievement of personal goals, ambition, less concerned with opinions of others Maslow did not imply that every need must be met 100%. However, people cannot consider social needs when basic needs are unfulfilled What are some examples of this statement?
Hierarchy of Needs Assignment Research the various Hierarchy of Needs pyramids online Using Kidspiration software, create your own pyramid (or not… it doesn’t have to be a pyramid as long as there’s some indication of a stair-step kind of creation…. Physiological Needs on bottom …up to Self Actualizing Needs on top) – be sure to title it. WAIT FOR DEMONSTRATION!!